How does one get more MCT oil in their diet?

(Keto Kid 4 Life) #1

Hi all, besides putting MCT oil in my Bulletproof coffee, what are some other yummy ways, one can consume MCT oil? I was thinking of adding some to my low carb shake, but I would like to add it to other meals besides breakfast.

(Allie) #2

I add oil to the keto shakes I make and add it as salad dressing etc. Go easy if you’re not used to it though… MCT oil isn’t something to jump straight into.

(Lonnie Hedley) #3

Vinaigrette. 1 tbls olive oil, 1 tbls lemon juice, 1 tbls MCT (if you’ve built a tolerance), 1 tbls ACV. Salt and pepper or other seasonings if so desired.

I take a tablespoon in the morning on its own.

(Jessika Nilsson) #4

Use it to make mayonnaise, together with olive oil to not make it too potent :wink:

(Michelle) #5

:100: truth!! :joy::poop:

(bulkbiker) #6

It’s not compulsory…

(Mike W.) #7

Why do you feel you need more of it?


I didn’t find it added much, and it all seems processed (esp the powdered stuff), so i avoid it on those grounds too.

(Allie) #9

Me neither. Every so often I get a bottle and give it another try but never notice anything.


I wonder if adding more MCT to your diet beyond a bit in your coffee will actually result in any noticeable outcomes (beyond emptying your wallet, and possibly creating some GI distress, of course…)

(Keto Kid 4 Life) #11

I read that it is so healthy for us and the only time I was using it was in my coffee. I don’t like too much MCT oil in my coffee because I don’t like the consistency when I add more than a teaspoon. I tried adding to my shakes. It actually tastes pretty good.

(Keto Kid 4 Life) #12

Thanks for all the great ideas! I’ll try some of these!

(Susan) #13

I added some to Fat Bombs, I have the vanilla flavoured powder and no vanilla extract, so used that instead.

(Keto Kid 4 Life) #14

I added some to Fat Bombs, I have the vanilla flavoured powder and no vanilla extract, so used that instead.

That sounds like a good idea too.