How does alcohol affect fasting?

(Jeffry Lauder) #1

So I’ve read that alcohol sort of pauses ketosis but doesn’t kick you out. And while I’m sure drinking while fasted isn’t really isn’t in the “spirit” of the thing, but how does it affect fasting?

(Lonnie Hedley) #2

Fasting in its most general form is no calories. Alcohol is “empty calories”. You technically aren’t fasting if you’re taking in calories.

(Jeffry Lauder) #3

Hmmm. What about people on fat fasts?

(Lonnie Hedley) #4

Fasting in its “general” form is no calories. There are different forms of fasts. If I have HWC in my coffee on a fast, I consider that breaking my fast. Depends on the goal of your fast. But, I’m of the school that calories of any kind break a fast (fat, protein, alcohol).

(Jeffry Lauder) #5

Yeah, I get that some people wouldn’t consider it fasting anymore, which clearly i did a poor job of describing in my original question. I’m really after what happens physiologically – is it more like the “pause” or is it more like starting over?

(Chris) #6

Your body puts fat loss on hold while it processes the alcohol. It’s a waste of a fast.


Being a former Atkins’r I’m a fan of those, but in reality those aren’t fasts any more than a juice fast is. Just misusing the word.