How do you turn down carbs?

(Marianne) #22

“No, thank you. I find I’ve lost my desire for sweets now.” After so long, I don’t mind telling people I’m on keto or eating low carb. I will entertain a few questions if it comes to that, but beyond that, I’m not going to debate or justify my way of eating with anyone. I’m totally comfortable with that. I usually end by saying, “We all have to do what we are comfortable with. This works for me.”

(KCKO, KCFO) #23

Love this and it can apply in a lot of other situations, not just WOE.

(Joey) #24

What do you have against the homeless? :man_shrugging:

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #25

I love this thread of responses! The OP is essentially asking what how do you respond when asked:

“Would you like to eat this excrementburger?”

(Note: I had to replace the word I want to use with ‘excrement’ because it got blacked out!)

(UsedToBeT2D) #26

Salesmen always bring big boxes of doughnuts to the office…45 lbs ago, I used to eat some, now after everyone else in the office has pillaged, I take the the remaining doughnuts to the vagrants who hover on the street corner near my workplace. They think I am a great guy. Little do they know.

(Laura) #27

I just say that I don’t eat sugar and that is the end of it. No one cares if I don’t want whatever it is.

(Jane) #28

More for them! lol


If I am at someone’s house for a meal. I eat what I am served. I’ll accept a dessert and let it sit. If asked to try it, I will. If it’s nice, I’ll say it’s nice. I’ll ride the sugar rush into a conversation. Usually there is a handy sugar addict near-by who will say, “I’ll have that, if you can’t finish it.”

I once tried to take my own steak to a pasta night. I went home with the steak. That experiment went well, or did not go well. Either way I learned from it.

The following day after a dinner party, I’ll fast, check my blood glucose and blood ketones, and at the right time, I get back to normal low carb eating.

Personally, I think the social aspects of this question are fascinating and speak to food as a social tool, rather than a metabolic disease tool. I enjoy being social. My culture is middle European and my wife’s culture is Italian.

(Laurie) #30

What a minefield it is. I’m at the point now where I refuse all dinner invitations.

I used to make exceptions, give into temptation or pressure, and fall off the wagon. But now my digestive problems are such that I simply can’t eat plants. And I don’t want to deal with the inevitable comments and questions.

“No, thank you, but we could get together for tea or coffee.”

(Bob M) #31

Can you invite them over? Pot-luck style? (Where people bring their own food.) You could set rules, perhaps. Or just only have meat with some veggies and don’t eat the veggies?

I remember inviting people over for burgers. I think I ate OMAD at the time. I ate like 5 burgers (usually in a lettuce wrap) and maybe some hot dogs. I think I freaked them out.

(Laurie) #32

Yes, potluck could be an option.

A couple of years ago I used to attend potlucks that were almost all meat, by preference of the hosts (meat farmers) and the people who attended (some of whom who had food issues).

But for a family dinner, or eating with an individual, it seldoms works out. Better to just say no – for me anyway.


That looks lovely. Are you aware sugar is poison?

(Eric) #34

First of all I am anti-social and don’t really do dinner at other people’s houses these days. If I do, it is with family and they all know I am practicing a different WoE these days. Anyone who knows me already understands I am a picky eater since childhood so trying to force me to eat anything I don’t want or like is an exercise in futility. If anyone in my social circle were that high pressure that they did not respect my food choices, they would no longer be in my social circle. Simple as that.

(Butter Withaspoon) #35

This ^ A very perceptive post.

And as a long term zero alcohol person I understand that perspective - saying No to alcohol is totally chill, no questions no dramas. Easy. Yet when my neighbours offer me dessert there is a possibility I’ll partake

(Allie) #36

Same here, whatever the subject TBH. Differences in opinion are fine, but I expect people to respect my personal choices, as I respect theirs.

(Jane) #37

My neighbors whom I regularly have dinner with as a group all know I don’t eat sugar and don’t bother asking. Same with family, so not an issue.

The only times I am in a situation to “turn down carbs” are company lunches and dinners. Lunches are typically brought in so we minimize the time for lunch in long meetings and I just ignore the cookies or whatever and have a salad with protein. Nobody bats an eye at a woman having a salad for lunch.

For dinner, I just don’t order a dessert and if pressed just smile and say I am too full (which is the truth). The meal is easy - steak/meat and veggies. Nobody notices if I don’t chow down on the rolls.

Actually I had one contractor who always commented on what I ate and I just smiled and said something like “rolls go straight to my hip” which always gets a chuckle. I know some women wouldn’t be comfortable saying this but making a joke always deflects the comment.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #38

Pasta, likewise. It is now considered a health food, but the old saying was, “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.” (And we’re surprised that the “healthy” diet makes us fat???!!?)