How do I know when my weight is where it should be?

(Robin) #21

I like to point out how the number we see in a scale is so subjective.
180 pounds when you are gaining weight is devastating.

But on the way back down, that same 180 pounds on the scale is worthy of celebration. And we think we look great.

So, really…. Your weight is always “where it should be”. It’s simply a reflection of where you are on your journey.

(Kirk Wolak) #22

That’s great insight right there. Thank you!

I will add that my wife and I have talked a lot, because I bounced back up a bit, but I am easily maintaining my current weight, and so many things are better now. Plus I tolerate more foods more easily.

I still want to lose 50 lbs and be back where I “should” be. But I am more calm about it. I now see my high glucose as a provable side-effect of the stress I have to endure to work. I can easily crush that with some long fasting… But then I find my brain is not working as well, and I can’t focus. (The opposite of many reports of deep ketosis). So right now I am cycling some dairy and other stuff in for 2 months, and building muscles. (I got very bored after 4 yrs of mostly carnivore). After 5 weeks with protein shakes and such… I am already bored of them, and crave just meat. I count that as a win. I will have the meat. And in 3 more weeks I will cycle to clean carnivore w/o fasting. Then a month with fasting. Then I will do another 2 months like this, but probably less dairy…)

Anyways, to your point. It’s about where you are going, not where you are at!

(Robin) #23

True to all that. I have the advantage of being retired, so no stress from work. I know I am lucky that I somehow managed to slip into my ideal weight, while cruising along and not tracking anything. Just stayed the course.

Love the body you are in today. You may be in the middle of renovations, but it’s got great bones!

(Allie) #24

I’m not looking at weight so much now, only thing I’m checking regularly is my waist measurement and as long as that’s where I want it to be, all good. Weight on its own is such a bad guide and not something to get fixated on.


Same here. I´ve done this quite a few times before and I know the weight will go once I get adapted again. I´m secretly hoping the weight goes from my waist… but I´m not telling anyone.

I do check weight every now and then, mostly to see that I´m eating enough. Just don´t get obsessed.

(Robin) #26

My waist was the last area to reduce noticeably.
It also should have been the saggiest, considering how much belly I had… but happily that is not the case.
Slow and steady wins this race.


Absolutely. I never thought of this as a “Super Quick Miracle Diet”, this is a way of life that I followed almost automatically since 2004 to until a few years ago… and I´m back now.

(KCKO, KCFO 🥥) #28

I have a goal range that I try to stay in all the time. I don’t count carbs or calories anymore after all these years eating keto, I can tell when I am messing up. I no longer weigh daily, a few times a month now it my limit on that

I go more by my clothes fitting more than anything else. After a life time of dieting and gaining, keto/hflc WOE keeps me were I want to be about 99.9% of the time. These last 8 yrs. have been a game changer in my life for sure.

Looking forward to continued success in the New Year.


I can’t wait to feel this confident in what I’m doing, be nice to relax a bit more about it all.


I measured mine a week ago, 109 cm. That was four weeks from the start,I did no measuring or weighing in the beginning.

Now I measured again, I’m 104 cm. Something is working right. :slight_smile:

Also,this morning was the first moment that I felt anything hunger-like in all these five weeks. I had 3" of nice salami right away.

(Robin) #31

You’ve got this down to a natural way of life. Not needing the scales is a big indicator of success, in my book.


I took a look at Keto Calculator… there are all these gadgets today. It wants a deficit to let me lose weight so I gave it a little. A fun little app!

I´d be happy with this result ! I´m not after a “hundred-pounds-a-week” -loss. Start weight is 99 kilos as now. Interestingly,it suggested me about 1900 kcal and that´s what I´ve been doing. I eat a bit more fat and less protein than the calc suggests. All good.

I´m pretty sure I won´t need deficit in real life,never needed it before. But time will show.

(Central Florida Bob ) #33

More than 1 cm/week? I’d sure say something is working right!


When I used a calculator (there weren’t even apps back then… not like I use many now), I got shocked by the number for maintenance and added a few couple hundreds of kcals (still very little food to me. but enough on the right diet)… Lost fat, slowly but surely, to some extent. Calculators don’t know anything. They are okay for a starting point for many, sure but they are very off for others.

What does it suggest? The keto calculators I used always asked me how much protein I want to eat :slight_smile: I don’t even know what they would suggest for me but surely some impossibly low amount… But who knows, there are different calculators…

We need a deficit to lose fat, of course, it’s inevitable :slight_smile: Even if someone has the odd body that throws out a lot of energy, it’s part of CO… CICO always works, it’s just very complex and we may not have much idea about either part. I believe I can vaguely guess CI on most days (it’s surely not true for everyone) but CO is still a mystery even if I have some very vague idea about it for my normal days. Some of us can depend on our CI guesstimation numbers more than others.

But it doesn’t matter how we do it, just find a good way :slight_smile: Tracking isn’t so great for many of us, I don’t like it myself but it gives me various information and occasionally interesting macros to remember. But I can do it normally, I saw people who got way too obsessed. It’s like the scale, ketones and many other things, some people should just chill and stay away.


No,I was not clear enough: my waist shrunk 5 cm within the 5th week! I just double checked , 103 cm now so it’s even 1 cm less than yesterday!

Total 6 cm less than a week ago.

I was so shocked by 109 cm,I checked it many many times a week ago. No mistake here. I measure right at my navel height for easy repeatability.

And no calorie deficit at all, rather the exact hi-fat, hi-cal opposite that always worked for me before,too.

Shinita,yes I chose my “imaginary” minimum protein @ 100 g and carb @ 10 in the app for a little deficit around 1750. It suggested something like 140 g fat based on that IIRC. I will check if the page is still there in PC,I’m on Android now

EDIT: Based on no exercise, Keto Calc suggested minimum 100 g of protein. I chose my max 10 carbs. And to lose at least some weight (in the app) I chose 15% deficit. It then gave me 146 g of fat. It says I will lose 1,2 kg/month that way.

If I force 60 g prot in the app,it warns me of too low prot and of course suggests some more fat like 160 g. 1750 cal still there.

Who knows,I might even move somewhere like that one day, to try deficit, but I have seen more fat / less protein / no deficit a better option for me. I don’t need to count stuff beforehand, just add enough fat and maybe analyse the next day what I actually ate. Carbs are automatically low.

“Too much fat” never bothered me.

I’ve been eating approx. +2200 kcal 60 g protein and 200 g fat all these five weeks… +500 kcal more than KK suggests. I think I’m losing more weight than KK suggests,we will soon see when I weigh one day. Lots of good beef,pork,butter,nuts…carbs 3-10 g… and I’m shrinking. I only took a look at the KK app out of curiosity. I’m not a machine. :slight_smile:

I’m not counting my butter/cream/coconut oil coffees that carefully in either, or the occasional sip of olive oil. I have olive oil bottles everywhere, in cars, in my studio, in my motorbike etc…

In short,fat works for me.