Hot pants!


I just got some square cut trunks and took them out for the first time, and I love them. I’ve always hated the way jammers come all the way down to my kneecap, sure they look fine in the pictures on the 6’2" models, but I’m only 5’8".

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #2

Last time I went to the store to buy shorts, they only had “shorts” that came down to nearly my ankles and that were so baggy they looked like skirts. Yay for you, buying square-cut trunks and showing off your legs. I might do the same, now that keto has made my legs decent-looking again. (And if my belly goes down a bit more, I might even be able to start taking my shirt off at the beach again, too!)

(VLC.MD) #3


(Bacon for the Win) #4

it seems to be a trend over the recent years. Women’s clothing/swim attire conceals less and less and men’s covers more. Why is this a thing? :man_shrugging:


I’m fighting back against male body shaming by only wearing short shorts when running and swimming.

(VLC.MD) #6

Maverick 1 !

Maverick 2 :slight_smile:

(ianrobo) #7

well could say it is aero reasons ha ha but no way you would ever catch me on the beach in trunks of any kind ha ha …