Hit the wall struggling with weight loss

(Paul Hoepper) #1

Hi I’ve been in Ketosis coming up 3 months now & have lost 17 kgs to date. Have no problems with food selection my calories come in at 1500 per day and have my macros solidly at 70% Fat 20% Protein and 10% (includes some dietary fibre) Carbs. I started at 121 kgs & have averaged around 1.5 kgs per week.
I seem to have hit a wall over the last 2 weeks and have been unable to lose any more weight .
I have yet to try IF as I wanted to max out simple Low Carb Keto first & I have some back and nerve pain issues that all but rule out exercise which is initially why I turned to Keto (thank god).
My question is have I maxed out Low Carb & Keto dieting & it’s time to move to IF or have others experienced similar plateaus?


(Randy) #2

That’s close to 40g carbs. You might need to lower that.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #3

Sometime just eating different keto foods than what you may have gotten into a rut eating will change things up enough to start losses again. But stay under 20 g carbs.

(Frank) #4

Just about everyone who has lost a significant amount of weight with this woe has plateaued during the loss. Our bodies are amazing at adapting to the environment that we place it in. If you’re following a fairly set routine with diet and activity, your body has decided to “get comfortable “ with that and stalled. You’re going to need to shake things up by trying random inputs. Omad here, EF there, a little extra fat, etc, etc. Give your metabolism a reason to break free from the position it has taken. Btw. It gets harder to do this the closer you get to goal weight.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #5

You are still eating 70% fat at 3 months? If you are fat adapted, this is too much. How can you lose weight from your body fat when you are still eating so much dietary fat?

(John) #6

2 weeks is not a wall. I’ve had a couple of brief stalls / plateaus of 2-week duration. Perfectly normal. I was stuck for 2 weeks bouncing up and down in about a 4 pound range, then in one week i dropped 6 pounds below the lower end of that 4 pound range. It’s not all linear.

(Rhonda ) #7

70% fat is fine for weight loss when fat adapted as long as you are eating at a calorie deficit… 1500 is a calorie deficit for most people but the smaller you are, older you are, less active you are, etc can effect your calorie needs.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #8

That makes no sense to me.
Will have to agree to disagree on that one, friend.
Weight loss stalled for me when i continued eating the same amount as fat as i was before i was adapted… that’s kind of the whole point of adaption, reducing your dietary fat to allow the fat to come from my fat stores.

Where else is that fuel supposed to come from if you are continuing to eat high fat?


Exactly! If you’re giving your body enough fat to burn on your plate, it’s never going to look to your body stores for energy.

Try dropping that percentage down for a few days, even with the same calories, and see what happens.

Can’t hurt.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #10

Thank fuck for that :rofl:


(Rhonda ) #11

Our bodies must be different… I have lost 65 pounds and lose best when I eat at 75-80% fat… but in calorie range. When you eat less calories than you burn you burn fat off your body. When I am higher levels of fat I have more energy and mental clarity and I lose well. In fact, if I dip too low in my percentage of fat I get sluggish and tired and my weight loss slows.


That’s great weight loss! I wouldn’t ask you to eat less calories, but if you hit a plateau, try eating less fat, even with the same calories.

This is crucial when your totally fat adapted, because your body just wants fat for fuel, and if you’re giving it plenty on the plate, that’s all it cares about.

Now when you get closer to your goal weight, you might have to experiment with fasting. Sure, some may say that just a calorie deficit diet, but it’s not the same as eating everyday at fewer calories. Fasting is totally different.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #13

I cannot lose weight if I eat any more than 80 grams a day
30g is my sweet spot and I can lose up to 1.5kg a week doing that strictly but it means more fasting than I’d like at this stage so I am sticking with 1kg loss per week.
I am 5kg off my goal weight

(Rhonda ) #14

See… in the past when I hit plateaus I have tried cutting fat and just found myself very tired and run down… I actually upped my fat at several of my stalls to re-start weight loss. I do have a very long history of yo-yo dieting and have had issues with my thyroid in the past… so not sure if that plays into it. I find I do better with very low carbs and higher fat as proportion of my caloric intake. That said… I am currently in a 6 month essential plateau with a slow loss during that time of 3 pounds and have tried lower calorie (bad idea, body temp and energy plummeted) higher protein and lower fat (made me feel sluggish and tired) and carnivore… also tried various forms of IF including OMAD (which also left me tired). Probably for me it is about my age… I just entered menopause… and I am now 20 pounds to goal and at a 25 year low in weight. My body wants to stop here… so I have finally given up for now… and I am working on maintaining. Instead I am working on weight training to build muscle mass and according to body mass tests my body fat percentage is dropping as well as my inches. The scale may follow… or not… I am off all meds and in better shape than ever. :smiley: I am all for whatever works for the individual. I have known many who lose better higher protein and lower fat macros and others that lose better higher fat and moderate protein. :smiley:


My first thought on this is if your getting enough sodium everyday. You may be, but many people, myself included, tend to have more energy and clarity of mind while fasting, and that definitely is a fat reduction. But if I don’t get enough salt, I start getting headaches and feeling pretty crappy.

I personally haven’t done a fast for more than 48 hours, and I’m reading 36 is around the sweet spot.

Quite possible. It would also depend on how long you’ve been keto, and how badly your metabolism is deranged. But like you said, everyone’s different.

Again, are you sure you’re getting enough sodium/electrolytes? Have you tried making ketoaide?

This is very similar to my wife’s experience.

Very good, this is smart.

Very true. I think that’s what triggered my initial response. People can get a little enthusiastic about the whole fat idea on keto, but not everyone will react the same, and some people may have to eat less fat than others.

Don’t get me wrong, FAT IS IMPORTANT, but how much fat can vary from person to person, and if we experience a stall in our weight loss, it’s time to experiment.

Thanks for the update on your progress, Rhonda, and I hope the weight training really helps!