Higher ketone readings, what do they mean?


(Duncan Kerridge) #1

Been keto for six months, my blood readings are usually somewhere in the 1.0-2.0 range. Just did a 48 hour fast and they rose to 5.1. Ate normally yesterday, they are still up at 4.6 today. Blood glucose was 4.0 (72)

I’m not chasing these numbers btw, I only usually test around when I’m fasting out of interest. So there’s a lot of ketones floating around in my blood - are these excess to requirements?, a sign of more fat burning?, will they be utilised - I’m guessing so as the blood sugar is fairly low?

(Griffin Mekelburg) #2

someone please correct me if I am wrong but you may just be releasing more ketones into your blood because youre fasting and burninf off that fat already in you. Do you work out at all? I belive if you include a bit of a workout you will start using more of those ketones and should see the number drop but this is all heresay on my part. Since you feel great and BS is low it doesnt seem like a real issue :slight_smile:

(Duncan Kerridge) #3

I swim each weekday morning for 30-40 minutes and have been twice since I finished the fast. I’m not concerned by the numbers, just wondered how they have stayed up at that level - and what my body is doing with them.

(Tom Seest) #4

The excess ketones are just a result of the extra fat oxidation occurring due to the fast. I wouldn’t worry about them. You may or may not use them.

They are mighty convenient if you have a lot of physical activity in your short term plans.