High Meat Keto


I went 5 weeks Carnivore (beef, salt, water, and occasionally butter and eggs) and it helped me significantly. I can tell the inflammation in my body has gone down significantly and I feel less pain and anxious as well. My mood is better overall but I wonder if I really need to go carnivore now that I’ve reintroduced fruit with minimal to no negative effects. I’m still experiencing neurological pain from Covid but am beginning to wonder if maybe it’s just low B12 which will continue to correct itself as I continue to eat lots of red meat. I want to switch over to High meat Keto to see if maybe it works out for me because I don’t want to restrict myself to just meat and miss out on eating with my family during special occasions. The thing that really bothers me are the microbiome changes that long term carnivores go through. I’ve seen the stories of people not being able to eat anything outside of meat because their microbiome can no longer handle a piece of bread or a slice of pizza. I understand that these foods are no good for me and that carnivore is highly anti inflammatory/ healing but once again I can’t help but wonder if I really need to go this far. Has anyone done high meat keto with just greek yogurt and frozen berries? Did it cause huge microbiome changes so that your body couldn’t tolerate other foods afterwards?


I don’t know how much my story will help you but let’s go.

I realized that I should get very, very low-carb from non-animal sources. So I try to eat accordingly. My ideal woe seems to be very near to carnivore most of the time. I can handle a quite off day. Or tiny amounts of plant carbs for longer term. I just shouldn’t eat too much carbs for too long and animal carbs just doesn’t seem to matter (I am slightly unsure about lactose in bigger amounts but eggs and meat sugar is perfectly fine for me. I like liver, I tend to eat several eggs, they bring carbs but that does nothing bad at all).

So I do something weird. I have carbier days and tiny extras. My fiber intake is usually close to zero but not exactly zero, the vast majority of my food is carnivore but not all… It’s the best woe I ever had. It’s just me, of course, it doesn’t mean something similar would be right for you.

No idea what my microbiome does but I can handle every edible items as far as I can tell and I assure you, I tested it extensively… As long as the amounts aren’t excessive, I don’t eat a bunch of sugar alone or don’t eat carby for longer term. I surely could get used to that too but it’s not right for my body so it complains in order to bring me back to the right path. And me being a health-conscious hedonist loving my carni food, I go back.

But I was healthy on high-carb too, keto and then carnivore didn’t bring noticeable health change. My case is surely different from the ones who has very noticeable physical and/or mental problems when eating certain plants.

It’s good you could do elimination this well. You may try to add this and that to figure out what happens. And you did, with fruit. You can try others and you will see…?


You’ve asked a very good question. But unfortunately, the answer isn’t easy. It all depends on what your actual goal is with Keto/Carnivore and how your individual body responds to specific foods. The awesome part of Keto is that there is no one size fits all approach that can be applied to everyone. You just really need to find what works for you and run with it.

For example, my wife also lives Keto and she eats lots of meat obviously but also has vegetables in her diet, a little yogurt here and there, and even a berry or two. She has lost a ton of weight, feels great, and has enjoyed all of the health benefits of Keto, even with a pretty wide variety of options in her diet.

For me, I am pretty much rely on meat, fish, and eggs for the vast majority of my diet. I can tolerate a few olives here and there and a bit of cheese once in a while. But otherwise, I simply don’t feel good with much veg in my diet. So, I simply stay pretty much with the basic Carnivore approach. It is just what works for me.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #4

Only you can answer your question. If you feel better eating only meat, and have effects from eating fruit, even if they are only minimal, then it is your decision whether the pleasure of the sugar in the fruit outweighs the effects that come with that pleasure. Or not.

A lot of carnivores eat that way, simply because that’s how they feel their best. If carnivore is not making you feel your best, then you certainly have our permission to eat in a way that does make you feel your best. And if your family loves you, they will understand that certain foods are bad for you and certain foods are good for you, and they will not judge.

(Edith) #5

I did a carnivore trial for seven months. While I found some parts of it helpful, I ran into some issues that seemed to resolve themselves when I added some fruit and a few limited veggies back into my diet. I have to admit, even after seven months on carnivore, I did not have any digestive distress adding some fruit and veggies back in. I didn’t go crazy with the reintroductions, though.


not true. it shows us big big big time what crap food does to us and we know this is point blank poison to our bodies, but get this, there are carnivores who can easily eat a slice of pizza when wanted, very rare of course and DO FINE yet there are those of us who can’t.

so this is a myth.
also how much effort on your ‘understanding of why do carnivore’ is key cause there is massive info out why some what we do…alot of great vids. and advocates so if ya didn’t, you need to read truths.

you want that hybrid of ‘Ketovore’ you go for it. your body will do fine on something that suits you or it won’t but only way to know full truths is experience the zc lifestyle full on for easily at least 6 months as @VirginiaEdie has done and she added back a bit of fruit and more and has done way better than without it…so don’t read all the stupid hype out there :slight_smile:

do you but 5 wks carnivore is kinda a tad soon to add back cause even VE put like 6 mos all full in zc to learn her body truths…so…but if it works for you and you can add back a tad and you done fine, yes go into that high meat/fat ‘ketovore’ lifestyle and live it if it suits you.

your guts and mircobiome reset back to real life reality and health it should be zc, when one adds back you take it on the chin as it works for you or against you :slight_smile: very personal journey for each of us.

wishing you the best way forward!!

(Robin) #7

Great response and information.

(Edith) #8

Yeah, I was hoping carnivore would be the magic cure for my joint issues. While I do believe it helped, it was not over night, that’s for sure. I was more of a two steps forward, one step back during my trail. If my joint issues were from oxalate like I think they were, time was definitely needed to get that cleared out. I still have more work to do on that.

@PuppermintPatty, if you are still having neurological issues from COVID, you definitely want to give carnivore more time. I’m curious though: did you go straight from SAD to carnivore or did you have a go at keto before diving all the way to carnivore? Many people find keto healing and don’t need to go all the way to zero carb.


Wow…6 months to find out!?

I’ll have to draw up carni menu options before I take the leap! I think plenty of variation of cuts, mixed with things like crustaceans/mollusks might help me run the course. Mix it up a bit.

Still prepping and psyching about it tbh.


Hey, I did keto for a year, then SAD for maybe a month and a half, then Carnivore for 5 weeks. Keto helped out a lot at first but then I got sick again at the beginning of the year which reset a lot of old symptoms like severe fatigue, anxiety, depression, neurological pain, brain fog, as well as new symptoms like, chest tightness, shortness of breath, chest pain. I also began to experience some ibs issues along with GERD. I believe the ibs problems/ GERD were temporary and went away relatively quickly but I still found that KETO wasn’t enough at the time. At least not the version I was doing.


6 months of commitment truly changes a person and this healing and repair for some can take more time than one thinks. alot of years getting icky and sicky inside, takes time to fix it sometimes but 6 months shows more truths and reality of what the lifestyle can do for a person.

plus many of us obtain such great benefits we will never go backwards so 3 months was the kinda best way to learn and not feel as ‘scary’ as a 6 mos. commitment.

3 mos is what zc’ers recommend to really see differences that help without being too long.

see the issue with 1 month, many people are fat adapting and also are having other adaption issues, with guts changing, and not sleeping well maybe, toxins dumping from the body, so that 1 month trial they do have, could seem more like a nightmare than a great eating plan LOL so the carnivore plan then becomes omg this sucks rocks plan and is killing me but key is they are so icky sicky inside their body has to truly do alot of repair work, gut changes, your body pattern changes and they dump the plan when it isn’t a plan fault, it is the plan doing its job on ya.


Or you just jump (after buying a bunch of various stuff to choose from) and figure it out on the way? :smiley:
Carni is simple, you don’t need many recipes there - though some of us do need some… Like my sponge cakes, I barely could live without them let alone doing carnivore for more than 1-2 days…

You may change VERY much and quickly. I run through certain phases quite quickly even though I went off a lot. I just lost interest. But yes, it was handy to keep every kinds of stuff at hand. I still do it just with less and I barely touch them.

Eggs, meat. It’s a great base but you can choose from a bunch of other things if boredom hits. It shouldn’t be too complicated. At least not all the time.

But you can just do carni days here and there first if that helps…? I wasn’t committed in the beginning at all (I was unsure why on Earth do I try such an insane thing. carni isn’t insane, ME doing it is. well was. seemed to be?), I just did some days and it was easier than keto! On/off carnivore(-ish) was the only possible thing for me and I evolved surprisingly quickly for me, keto couldn’t do that.

Whenever I showed some lower-carb woe to my body (when it was ready for it, I couldn’t just jump from high-carb to extreme low-carb), it was so, so good! It gives one motivation. The feeling is always there and there is no way I give it up… So maybe you just need to try it out to change your attitude? Sometimes waiting for the mood isn’t the best idea, sometimes we should just do it. It’s your life and feelings, I can’t know what you have, I just can draw from my own experiences when I didn’t jump when I should have or when I did it and it was crazy and ended up super well.



“change your attitude Coopdog!”

If I’d a pound for everytime I’ve heard that, lol!

I like that :smile:

Maybe I will, mmm…maybe I will.