Help...... no weight loss since week 1

(Anne-marie ) #3

I’m 5ft 3inch and 11 stone so classed as overweight.

(George) #4

You’re not too far off from ideal weight, maybe another 30 or so lbs. correct? The closer you are, the slower the weight comes off. But also, I would cut out any sweetener and cut back on dairy for a few weeks. if that doesn’t help, then I would try IF and EF, that usually breaks any stalls

(Justin ) #5

I have read in a lot of posts it takes longer for women to get into fat burning and for the average person usually takes 4-6weeks so I would be patient. Stick with it and try not to worry about the scale. It is hard because I catch myself as I weighed today after a week and only down 1 pound but I will take it. Keep at it!

(George) #6

@JNO is right about women. The hormonal difference can/do affect rate of weight loss, but consistency is key, stick with it, and the weight will come off

(Justin ) #7

Us men are very lucky and I feel for many of the females out there. I feel very fortunate at 45 years old and I cut out daily beers and keto and down almost 20 lbs in just under 2 months. No exercise and a trip to Vegas(cheated on Keto) I also do intermittent fasting and don t eat until after 3pm and before 8pm so thats kinda my window.

(George) #8

Great job, Justin. Keep it up. The intermittent fasting works wonders. I started in January and last week I was down 48lbs, so I should be at least -50lbs. by this week, especially since today is my last dinner before I do an extended fast into Saturday morning.

(Justin ) #9

Thanks and congrats to you! 50! Thats amazing! Yeah I think once a week extended fast I am going to try.

(Jessica) #10

I’m going to leave this here in case you need it. My biggest advice is to be patient. You’re only 4 weeks in. Your body is still figuring out what the heck you’re up to. Don’t start fasting or cutting things just yet. Hang in there.

(Anne-marie ) #11

Thank you for the replies :slight_smile: made me feel a little better about it all. Wow some of you guys have had incredible weight loss well done to you. I’m loving the food on keto and I do feel like i have more energy and focus but i really miss a pint of Guinness after work lol

(Cynthia Anderson) #12

After my initial weight loss it took months for me to lose more weight. I’ve weighed 155 all year.

I used to be a size 16. Two days ago I bought a size 9/10 despite not losing any weight lately and it’s a bit loose.

Even when the scale isn’t moving I’m losing inches. That counts as progress too

(Anne-marie ) #13

Oh wow that’s amazing. I’ve just been relying on the scale to show me progress ( I’ve decided to put it in the bin) I remembered I took my measurements before starting keto. Well I took my measurements this morning and I’ve lost 2inch around my waist and 1 inch off my hips. I’m not doing so bad after all


Good job on taking measurements before starting.
That’s a NSV for the win!

(Cynthia Anderson) #15

No you are not. You are doing great. I didn’t take measurements. I just know clothes that used to fit are too big now.

And clothes that used to be too small either fit now or are too big.

I’ll try to post a pic layer today after I sleep.

(Anne-marie ) #16

Thank you for the support. I’m thrilled that even tho the scales haven’t changed my body is changing. I’m just going to continue doing what I’m doing and see what happens.

(Cynthia Anderson) #17

Here’s a picture. Oh and I weighed myself on my normal scales and I haven’t lost any weight after all.

Pre Keto this skirt was to small.


@Don_Q just commented on a very similar thread that in many, many of these threads where people who are fairly new to keto aren’t losing, that one thing almost all of them have in common is that they’re doing a lot of heavy cardio like this.

I’m not sure I’d tackle sweeteners or dairy before exercise or under-eating, but YMMV.

(Anne-marie ) #19

Wow what a difference. It’s amazing how the body can change but remain the same weight. Well done :slight_smile:

(Anne-marie ) #20

Sweeteners are no problem I don’t use them. I do eat dairy almost daily, I will have to cut that down. Do I have to cut down excerise completely or just limit it


There’s no reason for you to cut down dairy. A small percentage of people have intolerances to dairy; otherwise, people tend to think that cutting dairy helped them lose weight, when what really happened was they cut out some high fat items like HWC and cheese and therefore cut calories and that’s what helped them lose weight.


^^That there is what you’re looking for.
A lot (dare I say most?) of people see body changes before, or at least with, weight change.
Weight can be deceptive- if your body is correcting for loss of bone density, for instance, then your overall lean mass is increasing and so the fat weight loss won’t show because it’s being masked by the increase in bone, but it will show on tape measure/clothes being looser.
You’ve got this!