Help for an obese friend

(Bob M) #21

It’s…complex. But a very low fat, very high carb diet actually does improve the body’s insulin response. Peter from Hyperlipid has a good analysis:

I don’t think “resistant starch” has much to do with it. Waaaaay back, I tried a higher resistant starch diet, using actual potato starch. The good news was that I could maintain ketosis while eating resistant starch. The bad news is that you have to go extremely slowly (try downing two tablespoons of potato starch sometime), and why? The idea then was that you were going to adjust your biome to feed “good” bacteria while killing “bad” bacteria. (So you have to do while taking probiotics.) I’m not sure (1) we know what “good” and “bad” bacteria really are; and (2) whether we can actually adjust them (even if we knew).

Edited for grammar. Which I could do for every post. :frowning_face:

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #22

Oh jeez… I’ve got more reading and head scratching to do. This goes against what I thought I knew!
The opposite in fact. You’ve said it so I don’t doubt it. But I’m glad I didn’t read this when I first went low carb high fat :joy:

(Jane) #23

I would think your own personal success would be a great motivator for your friend…….

But hopefully you can find a summary of the benefits of keto he can start with.

After his potato diet fails………

(KM) #24

It’s not exactly what the keto community wants to hear. Maybe hoping someone can justify moving it to show me the garbage? The “low carb” diet isn’t what we’d call low carb, but beyond that the results are … Surprising.


Not low carb at all.

(Allie) #26

Not an article but a book, very cheap too. I have this and it explains things very clearly and easily.

(Marianne) #27

Jeepers, a “potato diet” is probably one of the worst things he can do. His poor doctor is probably at a loss and grabbing at anything that may help this man lose weight. It’s not going to do anything for his insulin, however.

In the beginning, I got so much help and inspiration from (and here, too!). When I read the success stories, I knew these people had lived how I was living and had come out the other side. Many of them even said that it was easy (which is what I found, too). The videos and articles on that site where informative and made complete sense. Suggest that your friend sign up for a free 30-day trial and put a reminder on this calendar to cancel before that time, if he doesn’t want to subscribe. He won’t get any reminders or solicitations if he cancels. That will give him access to all of the videos, which were invaluable to me. I found the science of low carb eating completely fascinating. I also purchased Dr. Fung’s book, “The Obesity Code.” It made total sense to me and is written in layman’s terms. He can get it from the library. Good luck. All you can do is suggest and guide; ultimately, the rest is up to your friend.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #28

This sounds very similar to the Kempner rice diet. It’s very difficult to adhere to, but it works. Dr. Kempner successfully reversed the diabetes of a number of patients. The key is a very high carbohydrate intake and little to no fat or protein.

Denise Minger describes Dr. Kempner’s diet in the course of this video:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #29

One study I read showed that you could convert a small amount of the starch in cooked rice (about 1.62%) to resistant starch by a process of cooling, reheating, and cooling. The problem, however, comes if you want to eat the rice warm, because if you reheat it improperly, the resistant starch will return to regular starch.

In the food industry, resistant starch is a commercial product that can be used to return indigestible carbohydrate (fibre) to processed foods. So far as I know, commercial resistant starch remains indigestible throughout the cooking process.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #30

Personally, I would not worry about the calories, but rather about the solanine and oxalic acid content.


Also huge danger of food poisoning…not to mention unnecessary extra processing and energy usage.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #32

As mentioned, the key is very high carbohydrate, and very low protein and fat intake, almost 0 (zero) fat, in fact.

(Jennifer M Worth) #33

My husband clings to the potatoes while watching me eat keto and lose weight. I say very little because he already hears me talking about keto all the time with others. NOT A VEGETABLE PEOPLE. sorry for yelling. xoxo

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #34

Not sounding too tasty, you’re not really selling it to me. Luckily lol


Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller fame lost a considerable amount of weight doing just that: nothing but plain potatoes for several weeks then small amounts of other vegetables with very little protein and fat, coupled with OMAD. He wrote a book about it. Maybe your friend is trying to follow this diet?

Hopefully not. It is very low protein and fat and essentially vegan. Really bad on so many levels for an obese 70 year old I would have thought.


Understandable :wink:
It’s firmly in the “impossible and extremely unhealthy for more than a few days” category for me, I don’t even care what it does as I never could or would do that. It belongs to the deepest parts of my room 101. (The whole room is merely “low-fat”, it’s scary enough for me.)
Tastes differ but yes, I probably would find it not tasty - even though all the items would be extremely tasty. I know zillion super tasty carbs - but I still can’t get satiated and satisfied without my high protein high fat… Never could so I always ate high protein high fat, all my life. It wasn’t pretty when I had high carb too… I am so, so, so very thankful it’s over and won’t go back to high-carb, it’s obvious since the beginning of my low-carb times.

Or for everyone at all if it’s not for a few days only (it’s bad for a few days too but a healthy body would handle it moderately well). I look at potatoes and human nutrition needs (it varies but there are a lots of common things) and I see them pretty far from each other.
And anyway, normal people would starve themselves like that, why not to eat nothing then (it seems way more enjoyable and better for me, surely not for all and I understand the charm of something being allowed, it helps mentally and potentially physically) or meat and eggs or something.
My hedonism and attitude always would end up with me quitting such strange diets even if I could choose to try them to begin with. I have so much better ideas. At one point that desperate last attempt idea was keto. How much things changed. Keto was extreme and restrictive to me back then.
I dislike the idea of having a deficient diet even for short term. Sounds wrong.

(John Bradshaw) #37

You could try him on a few free YouTube videos:

That sugar film

Turning science upside down

How To Go Keto The Easy Way — Dr. Eric Westman [Tips And Tricks]

Doctor’s low carb transformation with Dr. David Unwin

What is Keto?

The origins of the anti-meat message

Are we blaming salt for what the sugar did?

Fat Chance (2017)