'Healthiest hearts in the world' found - BBC News

(ianrobo) #1

Proper natural food, no processed crap but apparently high carbs than US and of course fat phobic in the article.

Any thoughts ?

(Marc) #2

A short response.

It took the team of scientists and doctors multiple flights and a canoe journey to get there.

This gives one the idea of how remote these people are. It also gives one an idea of how much outside food is in their diet. I’m guessing none. In other words, these people have eaten like this their entire lives.

They are also far more physically active with the men averaging 17,000 steps a day and the women 16,000.
“They achieve a remarkable dose of exercise,” says Dr Gregory Thomas, one of the researchers and from Long Beach Memorial medical centre in California.

This gives one an idea of how much exercise these people get. I don’t have the time to exercise that much.

Further, I’m guessing the carbohydrates they do eat are bound in fibrous material, so the carbohydrates aren’t metabolized as easily.

I’m guessing (and so are they, but they don’t clearly state it) that somebody raised in the West who has eaten plenty of processed carbs from a young age would react differently to eating a high carbohydrate diet such as the one that these people eat. Further, I don’t think too many people have the time to exercise like these people.

These are a couple of my takes on reading this…

(ianrobo) #3

The point is that all the carbs are naturally processed and will be in fibreous foods like fruit etc. They also would only eat when hungry.


Also need to take into account that any fruit they eat is seasonal. Not like us in the western world with access to oranges, bananas, strawberries, mangos and pineapples, and so much more,12 months of the year, non stop.

These natives in Bolivia don’t eat pizza, bread, pasta, cookies, crackers, oatmeal porridge, breakfast cereal, granola bars, chocolate bars, candies, cakes, muffins, potato chips, french fries, fizzy drinks, or ice cream.


Thank you for posting this. I read this article yesterday and wanted to ask about it and see what everyone thought about it.

(ianrobo) #6

very good point and of course it is warmer there so that would have an impact as likely need more energy than us in cooler climates !

(Aarn Farmer) #7

They probably also had natural feast and fast cycles built into the rhythm of their lives without access to supermarkets.