Health trends around you?


I get to see alot of people on a daily basis that work in an office environment. I’m curious as to what others are seeing around themselves.
I see over time people are becoming heavier and sicker. The snacks they eat are almost all carbohydrate based. I’ve brought up healthier eating with many of the sickest and many of those shrug off the idea.
At the same time I see more and more talking or wanting to eat more natural, or paleo, or low carb. But at the same time, I will often see those same people cheating when the opportunity of a few free slices of pizza, donut day, or a friendly plate of cookies made comes around. I don’t really see alot of progress with these so called healthier people, but I do a little for some of them.
On top of all that I do see those that are of healthy weight tend to be without health issues. These tend not to care too much about what they eat, but they don’t overeat. They’re definitely the minority.
I live in a city in the midwest united states.
What are other people seeing? Because what I’m currently seeing is not positive.


Our office gets donuts on Friday morning. I take one and smile. My DOG loves Friday evenings.

(Allie) #3

I’m surrounded by carbaholics who are mostly overweight and sick…

(Michele) #4

I live in New Zealand, also fortunate to live within walking distance of most amenities. We walk to our supermarket to shop most days with the dog. When it’s my turn to wait while husband shops I see bags and trolley loads of carbs coming out of the door with overweight unhealthy looking people. Fizzy drinks, potato chips (fried snacks - not sure what they are called where you are), snack bars - basically sugar and highly processed carbs in bad oils by the bag full. Friday afternoon is the worst; an end to a week of stressful work/life where they reward themselves with carbs, carbs, carbs that go with heaps of beer for surviving another week. It is a refreshing difference to see our non-plastic shopping bag come out with a few items to make our delicious keto dinner of meat, greens and cream for our coffee or dessert.

(Pete A) #5

Same. Most people don’t want to feel deprived. Office food beings people together.

(Ethan) #6

A large part of my office (20%?) is now keto. Interestingly, provided breakfasts for new hire meetings or team meetings with many remote workers coming in are all carbs.

Our provided snacks are a mixed bag. We have some Kirkland protein bars, which are keto friendly, but also lots of carb-heavy sugar snacks.