Health benefits of swapping animal proteins for plant proteins

(Troy) #1



mods please delete this idiotic vegan propaganda from a fructose shill

(Rob) #3

You should just post this under the worst science thread rather than give it any credence in its own thread…

(Bunny) #4

Blogging controversy Edit? <=== hmmm?

The CRA attracted controversy in 2010 for approaching bloggers who run mom blogs, through the organization, a website that has drawn criticism as an advocacy vehicle of large chemical and pharmaceutical corporations.[15] Bloggers were extended offers of $50 Wal-Mart gift certificates in exchange for writing about a CRA sponsored seminar that made the claims that high fructose corn syrup and table sugar were nutritionally equivalent and affect the body in the same way. This practice backfired, with several prominent bloggers writing scathing criticisms of the CRA’s methods as well as of bloggers who passed on the information presented in the seminar without conducting their own independent research.[16][17] …More

Answer: Buy two mouses from pet store and feed one mouse HFCS enriched pancake syrup with standard mouse diet, publish autopsy pictures of mouse livers and internals after ‘natural’ death?

(Rob) #5

Oooh… mouse torture :grimacing:. Also good for identifying latent psychopaths… :rage:

(Bunny) #6

Had to put emphasis on ‘natural death’ to resensitize psychopathic tendencies! Lol

(Rob) #7

Officially it may be a ‘natural’ death… but you’ll still know you killed it :crazy_face:

(Richard Morris) #8

Nah we like to leave posts like that up so people can take a crack at debunking them. It becomes a great teachable moment … usually for the trolls who realize that this community has an immune response to BS :slight_smile:

Vegan trolls are what passes for sport around here :wink:

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #9

Better than American basketball!