Guidelines wanted

(edward rosenthal) #1

Hi, I started keto about a month ago, which for me meant cutting down on carbs and increasing fats. So I am 73ish, vegan at home, omnivore outdoors, and diabetic. Since starting i have stopped injections for insulin, and my numbers are between 120 and 170, probably averaging around 140’s. I ordered a meter which arrived ( freestyle Optimum Neo) and awaiting ketone strips. I don’t believe i am in ketosis yet, since my Blood sugar levels are too high. ( is this a reasonable conclusion?).
Testing with pee strips got me to almost the darkest color, not quite.
My breakfast consists of coffee with a coconut mixture ( coconut milk, coconut oil, vanilla extract, stevia) and lunches are omelettes ( with bacon and cream cheese and mushrooms), and dinners usually a veggie ( broccoli or peas or cauliflower) with tofu. I am drinking electrolyte water, take potassium and magnesium pills along with meds and vitamins. Salads sometimes in place of dinner. If i eat a burger its usually non animal veggie burger, with lettuce instead of a bun, no ketchup.
No desserts, no bread, no crackers. For a snack sometimes tea with more coconut mixture, or some brazil nuts with seeds. I have felt faint and tired sometimes, and i think those are signs of progress ( am i wrong to conclude that?).
Any suggestions welcome, and thanks.


Just reading through your meals, it seems like you are over 20 gram carbs, and under 1 gram protein per kg lean body mass. But, can’t be certain as you didn’t provide that data. Have you tracked these?

Good job getting off insulin!

(edward rosenthal) #3

is 20 gr. carbs a good limit? i think i read up to 40-45 per day was ok.
i didn’t realize i should track gr. protein correlated with body weight. what should
that ratio be? i am about 187 ( in a birthday suit). I think i have lost about 10 lbs or more.


Lean body mass is what you weigh if you had a lean body. It varies a bit with people the same height…some people a bit more stocky, while others have very fine skeletal structure. What would you say your lean body mass is, as a guesstimate?

A general rule of thumb as a starter template is 20 grams carbs. Then adjust if you can get away with it. I can’t…and many others cannot either.

What are your goals? You got yourself off insulin. Now what would you like to do? Your goals would influence the advice on next steps.


There is a really easy to use LBM calculator here…

That will give you an idea. Take the average of the 3 (at least that is what I do) and work out kgs. Then aim for 1-1.5g per kg LBM. The older you get, the more protein you should have as we tend to lose more as we age (or at least not be able to add to muscle mass easily).

Watch those pee strips. Darker is not necessarily better and can mean you are dehydrated which you do NOT want to be. If your pee is pale in colour OK but if it is dark then you must drink and drink more!

If you are looking to bring your BG down, the more you can drop the carbs the better. I am with @fiorella and think 20 is a better target. I try and shoot from <20 total not even net!

Welcome and happy ketoing!

(edward rosenthal) #6

ok i will try to track the carbs and try to stay below 20. I have fitnesspal so that might help.
for lunch today i made a shake: almond milk ( probably 2 carbs) , coconut oil, MCT oil, vanilla extract ( can’t find one without alcohol, so there are carbs in there but do not know how many), stevia sugar 2 packs, a protein powder (Spirulina i think), Himalayan pink salt.
for goals: just lose weight, stay off insulin, at least for now. aiming for 170 dressed.

(edward rosenthal) #7

according to that:
The Boer Formula Result: 138.4 lbs
The James Formula Result: 141.5 lbs
The Hume Formula Result: 129.2 lbs

so i am guessing shooting for 170 is not my best shot!
( always been an under achiever)


OK so that is 62kg which means your range is 62-93g protein per day. That is protein not the food itself.

LBM is not your target weight - that is your lean body mass. You will always have body fat to go with that. 170 would put you at 20% BF which sounds fine to me. LBM calculation does change depending on your current weight and is also not necessarily that accurate as seen by some people’s dexa scan results. It is a decent place to star though to work out protein requirements.

(edward rosenthal) #9

you guys rock. thanks for all the above. my eyes are glistening with the good help i am getting.


Aw. Bless you. I hope I haven’t made things clear as mud! Do keep us posted and keep checking in. We are here to at least try and help :wink:

(edward rosenthal) #11

thanks. math is easy, its life that’s hard…
i actually would like to listen to the podcasts on my android, but haven’t figured out what app i need to get. any suggestions.?


You can also listen on YouTube, if you can’t get the podcasts to play in the other formats. You would definitely be able to download a YouTube app. Go on YouTube and search for “2 keto dudes”


We are here to help. We want to see you succeed. Stay in touch with your progress and other questions. :grin:

(Keto in Katy) #14

Good luck @edward! Well done with getting off the insulin. You are on your way!

(edward rosenthal) #15

thanks! i just now found a thing for android called shiftjelly pocketcasts, and now have it on my android. found the podcasts and subscribed. so now i will have something new to listen to while driving around or falling asleep…

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #16

I promise to swear more on the next one and keep you awake. Lol

Totes congrats on getting off insulin!
My story about reversing diabetes is podcast #21.
BTW, If you get light-headed, eat more salt. You need much more than you think.

(danjo171) #17

You don’t necessarily have to use an app. You can go direct to their archive.

(Siobhan) #18

You could also download them and shove them on your phone to listen that way. I use mxplayer as my main media app, but anything that can play music would work - that’s what I do.
Just another option to consider if needed :slight_smile:

(Tom) #19

I’m partial to a podcast app called Doggcatcher. I’ve used it for years and it’s held up well, has variable speed playback, and a lot of customization options.

(eat more) #20

feeling faint and tired isn’t a sign of progress…or at least not progress in the right direction :blush:
that’s usually your body telling you it isn’t getting enough of something.

i’d track everything for at least a few days to a week to see what you’re really taking in and help troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

carb 20g
protein .8-1g per pound of lean body mass
fat “the rest”

there are keto calculators that can help you at least get an idea of what “the rest” is.

try not to be in too much of a deficit…especially until you are fat adapted (burning bodyfat for fuel versus glucose)

it’s all a learning process and those are the basic guidelines and you just fine tune from there :blush: