'Ground-breaking' diabetes insulin drug trialled in Cardiff

(matt ) #1

I have not read this yet but it seems interesting.

(Omar) #2

whenever you see the words “may”, “could” , “potentially”

that means we still have a long time before we see the drug.

only 2 people tested . they only say no side effects.

ok no side effects what about the beta cells for those two people?
did the beta cells grew back ? they do not say

(Raj Seth) #3

The true “Ground Breaking” diabetes drug is keto - proven by thousands already.
Myself included.

(Chris) #4

My 60yr old dad just told me that his doctor took him off Metformin after 10 yrs (kept it a secret from us). he hasn’t even been loosely keto for 6 months. A1C dropped from 6.0 to 4.9

(Ray Houston) #5

The drug could be a life saver for the type 1 diabetics it’s being designed for. Keto is amazing for both types, but type 1s, who produce no insulin at all, would be greatly benefited by a drug that could restore normal insulin production