Government funded food prescriptions, food stamps for everybody

(charlie3) #1

The researchers propose that doctors should be able to write perscriptions for the government’s opinion of what is healthy food. It would be like food stamps without regard for income. You use it to pay for government approved food.

Hasn’t government done enough harm already?

(Bunny) #2

What really urks me about this is how food stamps and state funded medical care is administered, they don’t emphasize how dangerous the food part can be, so after you finish carbing it up on junk food with the food stamps then you get what ever disease like diabetes that comes with that then comes the over priced prescription meds to support the sugar habit, it is just revolving door of madness that has no end…

Your tax paying dollars helping the indigent?


Knock out the plant oils and whole grains, and replace them with animal fats and some red meat, and I think it’s the start of a decent plan.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #4

You guys, this diet is golden compared to fast food, chips, soda, cereal, etc, etc, etc. At least they’d have the choice not to buy and eat the grains or fruit. You could do a pretty low carb diet with veggies, nuts, seeds and seafood.

Not to mention that this might put the idea that food is medicine in the spot light and force folks to really look at what they’re eating. I’d rather the govt pay for these options than the junk food food stamps currently let you buy.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #5

I agree, it’s a start. It’s a matter of education, as well. I have a friend that at one time used food stamps, but still managed to make healthy choices (not keto, but healthy compared to the SAD.) Vegetables, and even fruit, has to be healthier than Doritos, twinkies, seed oils, fake butter spreads, etc.

(Windmill Tilter) #6

The reality is that by the time the lobbyists got done with the legislation, the food stamps would be only be valid for 5lb bags of white flour, 5lb bags of sugar, and General Mills products, and only redeemable at Walmart.

A cheaper solution would be to add a 50% copay for all medications and treatment typeII diabetes under medcaid, medicare and private insurance . That would wake people up in a real hurry. According to the American Diabetes foundation, we spent $327 Billion in the US last year on Type1, TypeII and prediabetes healthcare spending. That’s insane. That would make it the 35th largest economy in the world (out of 184 countries!).

Nothing is likely to change while the diabetes industrial complex is swimming in money. It’s killing people in droves and nobody really even talks about it.

Geesh, I’m getting too cynical in my old age. Must be this endless winter. Sorry for the cynicism folks.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #7



No avocado or coconut oil?


Didn’t think they meant that. Yeah fruit oils can stay.