Got called a Keto Snob today

(VLC.MD) #21

Low Carb, Sugar free Ketogenic eating plan.

Low Carb - people wont think that is “dangerous”
Sugar Free - well that’s good !
Ketogenic - huh ?
Eating plan - “it’s not a diet, so it’s good

Well done marketing team, well done !!

(Chris) #22

Heh, my answer is middle finger. Keep calm and snob on indeed.

(Randy) #23

Sometimes a single finger is worth a thousand words. lol :crazy_face:

(Brian) #24

There is a lot to that. I am a part of a religious organization that promotes their form of “health”. It is very personal to a lot of those people. And even suggesting that maybe something they’ve thought of as good food for 50 or 60 years may not be good for them really does rock their world, seriously. While most don’t look at their diet as what is going to save them, there are some that may actually come closer than they would admit. I tend to tread lightly on subjects of healthy eating among them. Considering that I’m down 34 pounds as of this morning (my goal was to lose 90), it’s becoming pretty obvious that I’m losing weight and am (hopefully) giving them an example of something that perhaps they’ll be curious enough to ask about at some point. We’ll see. But yes, it is a very religious thing to some people.

(Jacob Wagner) #25

It worked for Daniel in babylon.


(Liz ) #26

I am such a keto zealot, lol, I’m insufferable. I totally get that. I have explained it in deep detail to about 6 people, family and friends. No-one has tried it yet but they seemed interested (polite?) and thanked me for the information. The thing that kills me is they think they are hearing just one more way to go about losing weight and they can choose to do it or do CICO or something else.

But I want to shake them and say, I can see you have insulin resistance by how your weight is clustered around your middle! You/your parents/your siblings have diabetes/heart disease! I’ve known you forever and just cutting calories has never worked for you! This is probably the ONLY way you will ever get healthy! And it’s delicious!!

But of course I do not. Still, I hope they remember the information I gave them. I emphasized that insulin is key and CICO either doesn’t work long term, in the case of insulin resistance, or doesn’t work at all and if they get frustrated they now know of an alternative.


A few years ago I lost 100 pounds on Weight Watchers, except I gained it all back. Now I know why I gained it all back.

(Stephanie Tebbs) #28

My uncle is on Weight Watchers for the 3rd time. He had gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago, gained all the weight back and has been struggling to lose it ever since. The only diet he will try is Weight Watchers and he usually loses 30-50lbs on it before quitting. He read Wheat Belly so he knows some of the harms of carbs but “they fit in his points”. Diabetes runs in my family and I’m sure he has it but doesn’t go to the doctor. He has two 11 year old kids and his boss told him last week that he worries my uncle will die an early death due to his weight. I literally want to yell at him and shove keto down his throat but I know it won’t do any good. He has to be ready for it. All I can do is lead by example and hope he gets curious and asks questions.

(Stephanie Tebbs) #29

How can you not be a zealot? It’s so exciting. It’s like a light bulb was turned on inside and I want to shout it from the rooftops. I’m assuming it’s similar to how people that find religion feel. It just fits and makes so much sense and has saved their life and they just want everyone to know. But everyone doesn’t always want to know.


Weight Watchers makes you fat because all you’re doing is restricting on what you’d normally eat larger portions of.
It teaches you to cheat with extra points, and the majority doing the diet cheat with what made them fat in the first place.

A real diet is education of the mind and the body, and a full understanding that we don’t need that crap to live. Sure, it keeps the food industry ticking over, rapidly followed by the pharma industry, and the funeral homes…

(Liz ) #31

Exactly! And I’m a non-believer so I feel especially aware of the intensity of my idea that I’ve found The One True Way and I need to tell everyone to save them! But when approached by evangelicals I don’t fault them trying to save my soul, I believe it comes from a true place in their hearts and they are trying to give me the good news for my benefit, but I won’t ever be convinced. And probably neither will my friends and family about Keto. Ah well.

Mostly I try to let everyone around me know I am not the food police and I will never judge what they eat! The last thing I want is folks feeling uncomfortable eating around me.

(Allie) #32

WW is like any other product / brand, only interested in making money because they want customers.

(Hillary ) #33

Yeah but the difference in keto and religion is that there is science to back keto up…

(Ernest) #34

I’m looking forward to the day when I can hit a restaurant with a keto buddy.
“Get the bread out of here please, get us more butter.”
Better yet, we both pull out our own butter supply, slam it on the table (wild wild west style)

(Liz ) #35

But a person has still gotta believe it, right? Like, how can I convince someone that MY science is right when there is so much garbage out there about saturated fats being bad for you? And most everyone believes that! SIGH

(Hillary ) #36

I agree!!!

(Stephanie Tebbs) #37

Very true.

I try hard to not be the food police as well. My pregnant coworker used to eat super healthy but has let it go and feels guilty. She always looks at me with guilty eyes when she cheats. I don’t say anything.

(Liz ) #38

My sister in law does this when she eats junk food in front of me and says she’s being “bad” while I’m being so “good” and I can’t stand it! I’m like, OWN YOUR CHOICES, I don’t care. For real. I feel sad that she will feel like crap because I love her, but otherwise, whatever!

(Hillary ) #39

I know those sad guilty eyes as well. It’s almost as though they want us to cheat with them. Lol

(Stephanie Tebbs) #40

That’s exactly what they want! It doesn’t feel as bad when someone else does it with you.