Gaining weight when exercising on keto

(Reagan Weiland) #1

I have been on Keto almost two months. The first month I didn’t exercise and lost 20lbs. I have been eating roughly 1250 calories a day. 75% fat 20% protein and 5% carb. I track and weigh daily. This month I have started working out regularly and have not lost any more weight. What is the cause of this and how do I prevent it? Should I start eating more calories? I only eat when I am hungry.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

Are you doing the kind of exercise that might build muscle? If you’ve added muscle, the weight of that might offset the weight of any fat you have lost. It’s been known to happen, anyway, and a sign that this might be happening is that your clothes feel looser, even though your weight is not changing.

I think that because we are reluctant to talk about being fat, we lose sight of the fact that it’s fat we want to lose, not just any old weight. After all, weakening the muscles and making bones more brittle doesn’t seem like the best of ideas for some reason . . . :grin:

Another thing to bear in mind is that fat loss is not linear, and there are all kinds of things that affect it. If you are a woman, your monthly cycle will have a great effect on the pattern of loss, for example.

(John) #3

This thread might be of some use:


If u have been inactive for a while you will gain muscle quite fast in the beginning, ur body composition is changing so ur better off looking at the numbers on the measuring tape around ur waist rather than on the scale.