Gained 2 lbs and in Week 4

(Cindy) #22

Aw, thanks! Not a veteran so can’t do the “Look, I’ve lost 100 lbs!” type posts, but I think that’s partly why I understand how new ketoers feel. I just kind of feel like a veteran because I’m determined to give this time. I also tend to immerse myself when I find something I like.

(mole person) #23

A couple of things. First, you are expecting results too early. Weight loss on this WOE is a multi stage process.

Stage 1: Adaptation. In this stage, really the only important thing is to keep your carbs ultra low and eat fatty foods so that you are satisfied. Nothing else is added because this is a stage when your metabolism is changing, and being strict at this stage leads to too much hunger and anxiety. Yes, some people have enough weight or good enough metabolisms that they start losing weight right away, but that’s not what this stage is about and for many that does not happen, and in all honesty it doesn’t matter if you gain a couple of pounds here. As this stage winds down most people notice that their hunger begins to wane and they are able to give up snacking and even a meal and this naturally starts the weight loss ball moving.

Stage 2: Weight loss, stalls, tweaks,and more weight loss.

This is what almost everyone sees next. They lose some weight, and then they stall. They then have to sort out what the issue is that is keeping them at a certain set point that is higher than their goal. Sometimes it’s carb creep, or too much protein, or even too much fat. Sometimes it’s artificial sweeteners, or nuts, or dairy. Sometimes they need a shorter feeding window. There are LOADS of tweaks that work for various people. And sometimes there is no initial weight loss before the first tweak needs to be found. But this is jumping the gun…you aren’t out of the adaptation period. If and when you are, and if you find that you are still not losing weight, there are loads of things you can do and people here can help you with that.

Stage 3: Maintenance. This stage is also different than the other two. But I won’t describe it here since it doesn’t really apply.

One thing though. You say you aren’t tracking and that’s fine. A lot of people do lazy keto. I do lazy keto. But if you really do run into a stall then tracking is your best friend for sorting it out. Almost everyone I’ve ever known who had problems and didn’t track was not doing everything as perfectly as they imagined. The couple of times I forced myself to do it when I hit a snag I was shocked at the results.

(Cindy) #24

But maybe it IS an unrealistic expectation for you, right now, with everything else GOOD that’s been happening. Would you trade your list of positives (digestion issues gone, more energy, better mood, etc) for that 2 or 3 lbs? Would you trade it for 5 lbs?

I think your results so far sound wonderful! So many people get excited about the initial weight loss when it’s just water and easily regained. Your improvements are so much more meaningful!

One more way to think about this. If your frustration drove you to do better (exercise, stick to keto, whatever), then it would be helpful. But as it is, you’re doing things RIGHT, so your frustration is just a negative. Obviously you’re entitled to feel however you want to feel, but you’re letting a number on the scale devalue all the good you’re doing. As for your clothes fitting much better…5 weeks is too early for that. You don’t lose weight in just the “tight” spots, but all over, so those improvements take more time. Unless you’re a 300 lb guy losing 25 lbs in one month, but that’s not realistic.

(Running from stupidity) #25

Reminds me of the first topic I started in here, a few months ago.

(Cindy) #26

Yes, juice. I think I want to start a thread called “Stay off the [spoiler]damn[/spoiler] scale!” I know it works for some people…they can keep a balance and not let the numbers impact their actions (except when obviously needed) or their mood. But after years being part of weight loss boards, WLS boards, and now here, I think the people who are ok with it are in the minority. Even worse, some people say “Oh, I’m good with it” when they really aren’t. I think it’s almost a kind of addiction. But the thing is, unless you’re looking at changes over a month, and sometimes MORE, the scale is extremely unreliable…and yet people give it so much power.

But I think that’s true of macros. People see those “hard” numbers and think, oh if I just do this, then the magic will happen. But those numbers are really unreliable, too…age, gender, height, weight, activity level, muscle mass, metabolic disorders, all affect what “numbers” people need…so a cookie cutter approach when one size does not fit all.

I know people want results fast, but it’s just unrealistic.

(Running from stupidity) #27

Prediction - the thread will stimulate plenty of really good discussion, then someone will complain that they’re oppressed and are going to leave and then the thread will get shut down :slight_smile: #voiceofexperience

Yeah, the “I lost 30kg in a week!” posts on reddit are a PITA :slight_smile:

(Cindy) #28

Did the thread with so much debate about calories get shut down?

(Jennifer) #29

Thanks for this :slight_smile: I’m sure this is where many people get frustrated, at this point because we don’t realize what’s going on internally with the “adaptation”. Thank you for that reminder. I do try to remind myself that it didn’t take me a month to gain all of this weight so…

All in all, I am committed to this because I do feel so much better on so many levels, so I’m going to give it more time and then I can look at making adjustments, I just don’t yet what those will be.

Thanks again for everyone’s help! KCKO

(Jane) #30

No the fasting one @Juice started

(Cindy) #31

Then why wasn’t the “stop telling newbies to eat fat” thread locked? I hate it when threads get locked.

(Cindy) #32

Oh wait, now I see why! :wink:

(mole person) #33

Yeah, pretty much everyone who doesn’t lose quickly feels frustration, and it’s reasonable. In other diets you aren’t waiting for metabolic changes to turn you into a different sort of fuel burner, you’re just cutting calories and suffering hunger but usually losing weight if you’re doing it right. The thing is, you always get it back. With this diet you change your metabolism, lose your hunger, lose your cravings and find a diet that works and that isn’t just a short term fix for an escalating problem.

I can tell you’re serious. And based on that I can virtually guarantee you’ll see results. Give it two more weeks and see if your appetite starts responding. You don’t want to talk tweaks now since you may very well not need them, so why cut back further then necessary sooner than necessary.

(Running from stupidity) #34

Me too, especially when it’s basically one or two people throwing a tanty, and a probable shadow account with a an extremely obvious troll. Massive overreaction.