Frank's Hot Sauce ❤

(G. Andrew Duthie) #21

Pork rind nachos rock. Haven’t had any since I got me some Frank’s. Gonna have to make some more. :slight_smile:

(Megan) #22

I made the Buffalo wings in the Instant Pot a couple nights ago and they were awesome! My husband was a huge fan too. The only bad thing was there weren’t any leftovers! I’m making a bigger batch next time.

(Patty W) #23

I went to Costco yesterday, all excited to get me some Frank’s hot sauce…but they don’t carry it here in Albuquerque! I was so disappointed. They had the McIlheney Tabasco & some other local hot sauce. Ugh!

I may have to resort to Amazon, but is $8 for a 12 oz. bottle a crazy high price?

(eat more) #24

my costco no longer get has it either
super crazy high price!
amazon is nuts sometimes…a few years ago i bought a 10oz pack of unsweetened carob chips for like $5 the next time it suggested “buy again” the same 10oz pack was $14 :joy:

the walmart close to me had two diff sizes
the 10oz was $2.98

(Patty W) #25

Great idea, I will try Wally World. Thanks for the help!

(Omar Newsome) #26

That’s good stuff! Personally I’m a Sriracha guy, both red and green! :yum:

(eat more) #27

i love green salsa/sauce!
the next one i want to try is Gringo Bandito green

(Omar Newsome) #28

ooooooooh, you have my attention!!!

(Megan) #29

I love the salsa verde and green hot sauce from Trader Joe’s! Soooo yummy!

(Rick) #30

I know that this is a pretty stale post, but Costco in Albuquerque always has Cholula hot sauce which is pretty good.

To give it a good test go Weck’s, order a Big Pig omelet with sour cream instead of has browns and purchase on the Cholula.

(Rick) #31

Wow, I should have been paying more attention to the autocorrect. The second sentence should have read:
go to Weck’so, order a Big Pig omelet with sour cream instead of hash browns and pour on the Colula.