For those about to start

(Jenn W) #1

Today’s my day to start!
Getting off my butt and cautiously entering this wacky world of exercise…
So I’m going for baselines to begin…
Resting heart rate, measurements, and determining reps to exhaustion for sit-ups, push-ups, squats, plank and wall sits! Phew!
Am I missing anything?

(Guardian of the bacon) #2

Remember rest days are just as important as workout days.

(Mark) #3

You’re doing the hardest part for most people taking action ,alot of people get overwhelmed with all of the exercise advice and never start,like you always hear find something you enjoy doing,I tried to out exercise a bad diet for years,and once I accepted that exercise is not great for weight loss and that I had to focus on what I eat i have been losing consistently, but I still exercise a few times a week because even though it’s not great for weight loss it is good for my blood pressure and stress and mental well being,good luck on your goals

(Allan Misner) #4

Congratulations! Getting started is definitely the hardest part.

Before you go too far, though. Ask yourself, what do I want to accomplish with this work? It might seem an odd question, but the more you focus on a vision, the more likely you are to accomplish it.

Strength, muscle retention/gain, cardiovascular endurance, mobility, balance, or sport specific. Each of these modalities takes a diffferent approach. You’ll want to emphasize the type of exercise that helps you meet your goals. Yet, you’ll probably want to include some of each of them in your work to be the best you you can be.

So, what does fitness look like for you?

(Jenn W) #5

Exercise is more complicated than I thought!
Honestly? I’m just looking to find ways to move my body to prevent Fibromyalgia from regaining possession!
I’d say for now it’s just toning and flexibility? Add a smidgen of strength in there.
I can’t push myself too hard or I’ll put myself into a flare. So I’m doing simple basics during the week. Working on progressive versions of my baselines and throwing in yoga when I have the time to properly focus on my routine.
It’s all baby steps but baby steps are better than no steps!

(Allan Misner) #6

Yes, absolutely! Baby steps. I agree that yoga and basic movement will be a great start.

(Keto in Katy) #7

I second this. Be gentle with yourself as you start, simple yoga and stretching is a wonderful way to gain some flexibility and strength. Listen to your body and take on a little more as you feel the capacity to do it.

(Jimmy Broadwater) #8

I’ve been Keto for 16 months and lost 110 lbs. That being said, It’s now time to get started with some exercise, not only because I think its what I need, it’s because I really feel good and want to do some more for me health wise. I plan to start slow and go from there.

(Genevieve Biggs) #9

I read today that you want at least two days of rest after intensive workout. So don’t hurt yourself trying to rush anything. :wink:

(Cesare) #10

Way to Go!

I wouldn’t worry about any of the details when you start. Just getting to the gym and off the couch is the hardest part.

Start simple, do a circuit of the machines for 3x12 twice a week and do 30 minutes of cardio 3 times. If your just starting you need to build up a base level of fitness before worrying about much else.

I think the hardest part is just sticking to it, if you can make it though the first month, exercising becomes part of your life, and missing out on a workout will make you feel worse than any soreness could.

(Larry Lustig) #11

IKR? Just like with keto, there’s a natural tendency to “really get into” something and make it progressively more complicated. Personally, I’m extremely simple-minded and can’t deal with that degree of complexity.

Why not start with sit-ups and push-ups. Everyone knows how to do those and they can really make a difference.

(Mark) #12

Swimming is perfect for toning and flexibility,basically no impact ,similar to yoga in that you have gentle movements combined with controlled breathing,my gym has a couple indoor pools so I can do it year round and normally are empty ,I use a swimmers snorkel so I don’t strain my neck while getting air,let’s me swim longer, you can find a swimmers snorkel online it’s different than a regular snorkel in that it comes over the front of your face and not the side like a regular snorkel which reduces drag,I find swimming laps very relaxing and you can go as slow or fast as you wish and can even do hit sprints in the pool if you want to take it up a notch later on,get some goggles and a pair of fins work also ,they make several different types of swim fins,then when I’m done I take a nice sauna break,if you need any fin or goggle recommendations feel free to ask ,ear plugs are good also to keep water out of your ears,good luck,keep calm and swim on

(Jenn W) #13

Swimming would be my best option… currently the lakes are frozen. The only local swimming pool here is at a school and last I checked it was closed for maintenance and re opening was TBD. My other option is the YMCA and absolutely no way can I afford that! I had looked into it earlier in the year just myself would be fine but I’ve got two kids and I know one would rather swim with me and I cannot afford a family membership on a single parent income.

As said above I’m just sticking to absolute basic.

(Jules Swart) #14

Have you checked with the y to see about discounted rates or scholarships? I have belonged to several and all have offered a variety of programs.

(Loraine Hansen) #15

I love to exercise, when I have the energy and strength (Lupus sometimes gets in the way of that). One source I would definitely suggest, is (can I put that on this forum? If not, I’m sorry and I will delete it, just let me know, admin) It’s the Primal Blueprint lifestyle. Mark Sisson not only recommends dietary changes, but an entire way of living. It’s comprehensive including exercise. It works for anyone, is not complicated and anyone can start from where they are. You can get his exercise information free on his site. Basically, he believes in doing what Grok (the caveman) did. Move around a lot at a slow pace, lift heavy things twice a week and run really fast once in a while (every 10 days or so). He has a strength training program that is very simple but effective. It includes the four basic moves, pushups, pull-ups, squats and plank. You do an assessment at the beginning to determine where you are, and then begin at that level. You can move up to the higher levels as you get stronger. The session lasts about 20 minutes is all. You should go to his page and see what he and his wife look like doing this program. You will be motivated. I love his approach. It makes sense and it’s not beating yourself up as conventional wisdom would have you do. We are so misled by our so-called “experts” in the way of eating AND exercise AND health. Let me know if you look it up and what you think.

(Mark) #16

I like mark ,he definitely practices what he preaches, and his results speak for themselves,he freely admits that his professional marathon endurance running destroyed his body, and his new regimen and way of training has helped him heal and recover,I heard an interview with him and I believe it was Rob wolf,where he said even though he has written books,has a blog and gives speeches,he could basically boil his whole philosophy down to Two paragraphs cut out grains and sugar and see how you feel, and what results you achieve,mark made sense to me just like the dudes make sense

(Mark) #17