Food stockpile in case corona virus comes nearby

(Henrietta Tubbola) #41

A generator and 3,000 litres of kerosene is my freezer backup :smiley:

(charlie3) #42

For this situation Iā€™m assuming water, gas, electricity, basic utilities, continue and Iā€™ve simply decided to stay home for 30 days and not need to go out for any reason even if the risk is low. I have a place in the country, 140 miles away. If I had to evacuate that would be my first choice. What Iā€™m seeing is the least cost solution would be the option to go carnivore for more of the time. Even though I live alone, freezer not big enough.

It suddenly occurs too me, perhaps I might find a small chest freezer, may be used, and keep it in reserve, meaning not plugged in unless I need the extra capacity for a scenario like this. That way Iā€™ve got the capability but it costs nothing more until itā€™s plugged in.

(Henrietta Tubbola) #43

Thatā€™s my set up too - the regular fridge / freezer in the kitchen and a large chest freezer in the basement, we keep it stocked all the time with carnivorous treats mainly :wink:

You 2019-nCoV planning sound very similar to mine. Apart from plans to self-isolate in a rural setting, and ensuring plenty of food and other essential supplies (freezer and canned goods mainly), I have also taken the precaution of purchasing:

  • Anti-viral hand & surface cleansers
  • N95 rated face masks
  • Well sealed goggles - the virus can enter via your eyeballs(!)
  • Surgeon-style disposable Nitrile gloves
  • Retrovirals + Oseltamivir drug combo

Overkill? Probably, but Iā€™d rather that than find ourselves in a similar situation to those poor people trapped in Hubei province right now :slight_smile:

(Henrietta Tubbola) #44

btw. there is no vaccination for 2019-nCoV, and the official figures currently stand 40k confirmed infections with 910 deaths. Most analysts regard this as a gross under-estimate, possibly by as much an order of magnitude.

Central Govā€™t pressure on local authorities in China to contain the virus (probably impossible), is leading them to under-report cases. In addition a lack of test kits means that many cases are simply reported as undiagnosed chest infections, and donā€™t make the official statā€™s. Similarly with deaths, if not formally diagnosed with the virus the death is not recorded in the Chinese statā€™s.

Regardless, the absolute numbers today are not the real concern, the rate of growth in the number of cases is, the long asymptomatic gestation period of the virus, allied to it being highly contagious is driving an exponential growth rate.

It may be that the unprecedented actions of the Chinese government will prove effective and, we can all breathe a sigh of relief, but itā€™s only a question of time until the next global pandemic. :slight_smile:

John Hopkins CSSE 2019-nCoV Tracker

(charlie3) #45

I consider this virus to be very low risk to me personally but my hunch is this is more cause for concern than so-called public health is admiting. My perception of those guys is theyā€™ve come to believe their job is to manipulate instead of advise. They are willing to lie when it suits them. The standby freezer is the solution I was looking for but may be not in time for this situation.


I think this is an act in futility. I got the swine flu and the bird flu and am also not really a social butterfly - in the end there isnt really a way to contain a virus. Imagine people have it and dont know and are already transmitting it. The good news is that usually when a virus becomes pandemic, it loses some of its virulence.
But I wouldnā€™t sweat it. With time we will probably all come into contact with it in one form or another. hopefully at a time when it has lost much of its punch.

(mole person) #47

Itā€™s going to be two years before a vaccine is available to the general public. Until then there are three plausible scenarios. 1. Itā€™s contained. In which case there is no need to prepare. 2. Itā€™s seasonal as are many other flus and two of the already existing coronaviruses. In which case we will have a bit of breathing room come March or April while they are at least able to work on a vaccine to give to first, medical staff and second high risk groups before the second wave hits in the fall. This is really the only scenario where hunkering down is sensible. Or 3. Bad news. It spreads like wildfire and isnā€™t seasonal and we have people dying in large numbers for well over a year.

Personally, my plan if it looks to be 2. or 3. Is just to be keto as f*** and depend on my strong immune system and basically strong health to protect me much as it does for other flus. Remember, this is just a worse flu. If you arenā€™t already really old or sickly you will nearly certainly be fine if you catch it.

(Bunny) #48

And then we have two luxury cruise ships (a small city on water) with gawd knows how many people quarantined right now off the coast of China with people from all over the world in it heading for the US?

Some of the passengers already died from it and have it?

The map does not show people on the water?

(mole person) #49

I donā€™t think any of the cruise ship passengers have died but the number of cases is well over 100 now.

(Bunny) #50

Thatā€™s just second hand information my roommate does there itineraries from our home.

Itā€™s a real mess!

If you could only hear the arguing, I sit and listen to it all day long!

(charlie3) #51

What I tried to say in the beginning is the purpose of the thought exercise is how a low carber stocks 30 days of routine food, regardless of coronavirus. Standby freezer is most practical idea for me so far.

(Windmill Tilter) #52

This thing definitely looks more dangerous than a typical flu. Iā€™m sure the elderly are more at risk, but it seems to be killing middle age healthcare workers. The first Dr who first publically warned about the virus and was arrested for it just died from it a few days ago. He looked about 40. I havenā€™t seen the demographic breakdown though.

My guess is that all the official numbers are BS, and probably missing a zero. You donā€™t declare martial law and quarantine millions of people in their homes over a virus with a 2% fatality rate only affecting the infirm (I donā€™t think).

I donā€™t worry so much about the virus as I do peoples reactions to it. In China, they can declare martial law, they order citizens in a city twice the size of NY to stay indoors and people will do it. They can quarantine a whole building and weld the doors shut from the outside and nobody will make a peep. They can foribly detain people and put them in containment centers. All of those things are very effective ways of containing a virus, and it appears to be working.

I see that playing out very differently in Chicago, LA, or NY. There large swathes of US cities where police donā€™t like going on a good day. I donā€™t think Iā€™d particularly want to be out grocery shopping on a bad dayā€¦

I think having a few months worth of food is a sensible precaution. Iā€™m betting there are tens of millions of people in China right now who wish they did. I hope it all blows over quickly.

(mole person) #53

Lots of dry sausage and other cured meats, peanut butter, pemmican, hard cheeses, powdered egg, ghee, tallow. Basically, Iā€™d just prepare what I would for my longer camping trips.

(mole person) #54

Right now Iā€™m hearing from a friend whoā€™s been in on calls with CDC people on the subject that it thought to be at least a 3% death rate. That is significantly higher than regular flu which I believe is 0.6%. Still, itā€™s mostly the same populations that are in particular danger. For example, the above mentioned cruise ship has over 135 cases and no deaths yet. And yes, sometimes younger people die, but itā€™s not the norm.

Obviously everyone should be careful and the elderly and infirm super careful. As I said, if itā€™s bad Iā€™m done with any more cheats because I catch everything when I cheat and nothing when I donā€™t. But I donā€™t plan on avoiding the population unless itā€™s far worse than it looks at present.

(Henrietta Tubbola) #55

The cruise ships cases are shown on the map, the red cluster adjacent to Tokyo, where the Diamond Princess ship is docked:

(Bunny) #56

Aw! thank you did not see it, I was hoping I was wrong.

That also makes me wonder about what other smaller ships are out their?

(Henrietta Tubbola) #57

Yes, densely packed spaces (ships, trains, planes, conferences, theatres etc.) must surely be higher risk.

Also weird how the Diamond Princess cases arenā€™t included in Japanā€™s, or any other countryā€™s, totals - itā€™s almost as if theyā€™ve been disowned.

(Bunny) #58

Just glad itā€™s not a zombie apocalypse scenario where I would have to worry being eaten or storing meat in the freezerā€¦lol


Thatā€™s easily the most economical solution. We have a counter depth refrigerator (not very deep if you ever have one) and couldnā€™t make it without a chest freezer. We already had the extra freezer just out of convenience, but once we moved and went to a narrow refrigerator it was essential. Just wish the thing wasnt in the outside entrance basement.

You can find them on Facebook under $60 or new for around $150. Might not be a bad investment whether or not trying to stockpile food.

(Windmill Tilter) #60

Thatā€™s encouraging, and lower than I would have guessed.


I think the odds of this becoming a big deal is still pretty low. Even if there is an outbreak stateside, I donā€™t think it would be that bad. Probably a little civil unrest here and there and sorted by summer.

On the bright side, in the event of worst case civil unrest Iā€™m guessing thing will still remain fairly orderly in the US. In 2014 the dept of homeland security ordered something like 1.6 billion rounds ammo for domestic use (not dollars, rounds!). Theyā€™re mostly hollowpoint so canā€™t be used in any our half dozen endless wars per UN war crimes rules. Those little guys can only be used domestically. God only knows what crazy scenario those are meant to plan for. Pandemic sounds about right.

On the other hand, US citizens own 300 million guns and 10 billion rounds of ammo. Might get loud if things truly went bonkers someday in the distant future.

In the event of an apocalypse, I wonā€™t be stocking up on face masks, Iā€™ll be stocking up on earplugs and popcornā€¦ :yum: