Food grown wildly


Have you ever noticed that foods that grow wildly taste better? For example, wild blueberries from Canada are amazing, and those big blueberries at the store don’t compare. Wild pecans taste far better than the huge hybrid pecans from the store. I’m tempted to try black walnuts since they are grown wild. Not sure what they would be like. This might sound strange but I think I might like eggs better if they were wild eggs not domestic chicken eggs.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #2

I think a lot of crops and livestock have been bred for higher sugar and lower fat content to suit current public demand, which runs counter to keto taste buds. We’ll take flavor, thank you very much.

(Jane) #3

My wild blackberries are full of flavor (but not sweet) but I have to armor up in long sleeves in the summer heat to pick them. And get there before the birds!

We have wild onions all over our meadow but we mow them down and never pick them. I swear if ever get goats my milk will have an onion flavor! :laughing:

Be ok for cheese and butter…… not so much for my morning coffee. LOL.

(Rebecca ) #4

Yes, I would agree. I only like local free range eggs…I haven’t bought them at the store in years.

(Rebecca ) #5

Ew, that would absolutely ruin coffee!! But you’re right, the cheese would be delicious!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #6

Wild fruits are usually smaller. Sometimes they are sweeter, sometimes tarter, than the commercial varieties. Tomatoes are usually tasteless, because they are bred to be picked green, hold up to shipping, and turn red by the time they reach the store. “Heirloom” tomatoes taste wonderful, but they would never survive a long trip to market.

Wild turkeys and the turkeys bred domestically a century ago, my mother said, had a gamier taste than turkeys today. Also, domestic turkeys have been bred to be mostly breast meat, because that used to be the preference over the gamier and tougher legs and thighs, but the process has gone so far that now people generally prefer the dark meat, because it still contains a residue of flavour.

Adele Hite says, in a video that I recently watched, that beginning in the Nixon administration hog farmers tried to breed pigs with less fat, but customers eventually complained, so they’ve been reversing the process.

Beef cattle now have leaner breeds, but I found out that marbling is not a characteristic of the breed, but rather evidence that the animal was fed on starches, grains, and sugar, instead of grass.

(Jane) #7

My garden tomatoes (when I win the battle with the bugs) are amazing. The cherry tomatoes are so sweet they rarely make it to the house and into my salad. Like the peas, they are often tossed into my mouth as a “snicky snack” while harvesting.

(Jane) #8

We have wild turkeys here but they aren’t the plump ones bred for holiday slaughter. Noisy during mating season then we don’t see them for months at a time.

Love having the wildlife on the property!


I couldn’t ever compare wild things with non-wild ones… Except some berries where the wild one has way too little flavor and no sweetness.
Rosehips are great but they are always wild. Walnuts probably don’t care but they were originally non-wild I guess.

I never ate wild eggs. I just now the normal cheap eggs are inferior even in taste.
Wild animal meat is so different it’s impossible to compare but as I usually dislike lean meat, domesticated pork wins, hands down. But how it is raised matters (my sensitivity to it seems to change though).
But I loved deer meat when I tried so there are exceptions.

Tomatoes are somewhat special. All store-bought ones are pretty tasteless (unlike in the case for most vegs), that’s why I bother with them in my garden and it’s a plant that requires more care than many others.
I personally prefer sour ones. A tiny sweetness is welcomed, sure but I don’t like the very sweet kinds.


Aside from my surgery and difficulty with digestion, part of the reason I find it difficult to go back to meat is because it doesn’t taste right to me unless its completely grass fed as a wild animal would have been. We do have a local farm here that sells 100 grass fed but it is so expensive. When I idid eat meat I preferred it gamey.

(Bob M) #11

I can get beef locally, but it’s not 100 percent grass fed. Still expensive, and when you start buying 1/4 of a cow, it’s a lot of meat.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #12

Whereas I didn’t actually like the taste of the grass-fed beef I’ve had. It must come down to what one is accustomed to.