First wheat bread in a while and I don't feel guilty


With the gf and hiked up to Lake Agnes from Lake Louise where there is a teahouse. We were tired from this uphill slog in the snow and hungry. No keto options on the menu so I just ordered the soup and sandwich which had THICK slices of brown bread. Hmmm, this is about 60-70 g of net carbs I thought as I devoured them. Then another long slog down the mountain in the snow. A month or two ago I would have obsessed over it. Heck I ate a bunch of green beans at a Chinese restaurant the other night.

I am finally comfortable enough with keto (for me) that a diversion from the path doesn’t frazzle me. I will be back on a cleaner track tomorrow and will drop these last 10…

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #2

I thought the same before I actually did the experiment. However, you will survive unless it becomes a frequent occurrence.


Wow. A vanilla ice cream cone has 72 grams of carbs? I am feeling better about that nice whole wheat bread. At least it has some redeeming nutritional value! (this from someone who used to bake semi-competitively)

(Allie) #4

You probably burned it straight off too, as you were being so active. I wouldn’t stress about that amount of carbs either, although there are plenty of people who have genuine intolerances to wheat / gluten and for them it wouldn’t be an option.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #5

Congratulations! You sound confident and also like you had a nice adventure in the snow.

(Alec) #6

This. The best way to recover from a carb trip is to either fast, or exercise, or both. Burn off those carbs. Not the calories, but the carbs. Remove the carbs from the muscles, and get the body back to burning fat asap.



That should take care of a few carbs