First week keto warriors, How's it going?

(Renee Slaughter) #21

Me too. I was following the caloric recommendations for MFP. Freaking out when I was over. Read a post or 2 here and I tried not counting calories. Wow does it work. Now I’m meh about calories. I am serious about 20 grams of carbs.

(Vijay Bhakta) #22

Day 5 for me and the irritability kicked in. For some reason I was not my usual chilled self but I countered that with 2 glasses of red, it took my carb intake to over 30g, but I felt I deserved it as I have dropped 7lb in a week.

Find I am not hungry but am falling into the routine trap of… its lunchtime so I will eat… but all within reason.

I now have a normal coffee with cream for breakfast along with a Keto cake/brownie, then some bacon and an egg for lunch. Its the hidden carbs in stuff I really like such as mushrooms, onions and garlic which push me over the limit, but its early days and I am learning loads

(Amanda Reed) #23

Oh I know! I’ve always been big in dieting and cutting calories to 1200 :roll_eyes:. It’s been hard to not continuously thinking about it.


I lost 50 pounds already cutting calories. But after a year to loose weight my 6"1 250lb body could only loose a pound a week if I worked out hard at least a hour and a half a day. Only eat 1500 to 1600 calories. It worked for sure. But I was litterly starving with pains in my stomach anytime I was awake. I realized I can’t do it any longer defiantly not for the rest of my life. This makes sense my hunger is lower and it’s only the first week. So I’m not logging now because I don’t want to sabatoge by counting calories.

(Renee Slaughter) #25

I too was trapped on Calories on Calories out. Try the search window. There is a thread here with the research. Had to read it a couple of times but I understand calories may not be what we understand it to be. It matters very much to some. But to others not so mucb


It made sense to me when I heard Richard. Don’t know what podcast. But he kinda went on a rant and said we all think that excess calories mean instant fat. That’s what I thought also. I don’t remember exactly what he said but this is something like it. If we eat extra calories why do we assume it goes to fat. How do we know our bodies won’t turn the temperature up to burn extra calories to make up for it. We have no idea what our bodies are capable of and how they can use the energy. Made total sense to me. I thought at that moment. I will not worry about calories. Even though I have to remind myself daily still.


I wouldn’t think sabatoge yourself. It happened already it’s in the past keep moving. If this is a lifestyle then I will have a day full of carbs at some point. I don’t know when and I hope I’ll be able to not feel guilty. I would say you’ve been keto for 3 weeks now. As for the eat every 3 hours maybe your body needs fuel more often. IIve been doing IF before I even knew it was a thing. All my life I’ve hated breakfast so I can easily skip breakfast. Maybe since we are newbs still. Try to push to 3 and a half hours for some days. Then 4 hours. See how your body responds. If it’s a mental thing or a physical thing.

(Kelly Denton) #28

I am a Newbie on the journey too and have had some ups and downs. I am a 30yo female, 5’3’’ and 186lbs. I feel as though I’ve tried every “diet” on the face of the earth and had some results that would revert right back. I too had a hard time knocking the CICO method of eating especially when everyone around me is always “how many calories do you eat? You shouldn’t have that much oil on your salad. I can’t believe you eat that much bacon. Why don’t you just eat less and work out?” ugh… :persevere: Since starting my keto journey a month ago, I’m down 8lb (total water weight) but I’m able to fast about 15-17 hours and be completely fine.

I binge listen to 2KD on my commute and try to look up and soak in all information from these forums! They’ve been a godsend!! I typically do a BPC in the morning (6:30am) with brain octane oil and a tbsp. of fiber supplement. (I stick to net carbs <20g) This keeps me going until a delicious meal of eggs with hwc, bacon bits, swiss cheese, some spinach, and chicken or pork sausage links around 11ish. Then if I’m hungry, I sip homemade bone broth. Then I’m good to go until about 7:30 or 8 and have a small dinner. I am slowly working towards reducing my intake and pushing my feeding window smaller and smaller. I will say the biggest item I missed in my research was the SALT INTAKE. Holy Hell fire I felt horrible for my 2-3 week before reading about ketoade. Now I’ve upped that and feeling like a new woman!! It’s been a journey full of adjustments but the beauty is to constantly be aware of what works for you and your body N=1. Take suggestions from all the amazing people on this forum and make them work for you! KCKO :bacon:


Keep fighting brother. Just watch things that have carbs. Everything else for the next few weeks eat guilty free as much as u want. To get fat adaptive and off the carbs. Keep coming back.

(mary6aros) #30

:frowning::confounded:I’m sorry, I know it is hard.



(mary6aros) #32

I was responding to CandyLind. She’s close to losing her FIL soon.

(mary6aros) #33

Lol, I love to load all my bacon and other meats on the belt with my greens, and then tell the cashier that “we’re choosing to eat healthier.”
Hey though, several months ago it’d been a giant sack of cornmeal, giant sack of flour, giant sack of potatoes, and of course a staple was the snack cakes. So I know what I mean, just waiting for the door to open to ketovangelize others.


Right. Frozen pizzas, chocolates on sale, chips, Costco cheap hot dogs, general tso or orange chicken. Mmm so good but I could litterly eat it till I’m going to throw up from being physically full but not feel full.


I’m not in my first week, I’m coming up on 4 months and it’s been going great :slight_smile:

(Kelly Denton) #36

so true!! The downers and skeptics are going to be everywhere, just managing to deal with the respectfully is the key. :slight_smile:

The grocery cart is definitely changed since keto! The only thing I really do miss is fruit. I LOVE fruit! Wish I could just binge on peaches and plums :smile:

(Candy Lind) #37

My hubby actually got to stop and see his dad today, and said he is doing pretty well! Good news. :innocent:

(mary6aros) #38

Whoo-hoo!! :heart_eyes::pray::tada:that sure is good news. I was thinking about you, now I can go to bed happy.

(Vijay Bhakta) #39

Today… My first Keto Hangover. Felt like I been out and had 8 pints of beer. WOW - (painful) lesson learnt here. Still, another 1lb lost so overall happy.


Just remember if you weigh in the morning you could of been dehydrated from the alcohol. So that pound could of been water weight. Might be back on tomorow. If it is don’t freak just kcko