First few fasts:)


Hi everyone! I am so happy to say that I am starting week 8 and I had my first two separate 25 hour fasts! I broke the fasts not out of hunger, but mostly because I really wanted the enjoyment of eating. I thought I could go on but want to slowly build up so my body thinks it’s easy and no big deal.

Soooo, after I do these I’ve been having one big meal for the remainder of the day. I get really tired and lose muscular strength after the eat. I checked my carbs and it’s less than ten net, but protein was up around fifty grams. Could it be too much protein? When eating OMAD is it necessary to minimize the amount of protein consumed at one sitting? Maybe this is all just a reaction to fasting then feasting, or maybe I need to start with a smaller meal? So unsure! Thanks in advance, could not do this without the help of this awesome community!


You’re essentially asking how your body responds to a specific meal. No one knows because the answer is uniquely specific to your body. I could tell you how my body responds, but only by chance would that be applicable to you.

Rather than guess, buy a glucometer and test how BG changes in response to meals and fasting. Within a few days you can determine your current baseline. Eventually you’ll figure out how meal frequency and composition effect your body. Use that information to create a plan to achieve your goals, making adjustments as necessary.


Thank you for helping me. I’ll keep gathering blood and ketone data in response to the fasting and different meals. Sounds like it’s really about time, experimentation, biofeedback, perseverance, learning, data, results, etc…