First Fast...maybe IF....maybe extended

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #21

Congratulations @mikki on your fast! I have found that increasing your salt really helps with the chills, I have had to increase my sodium intake to 2 to 2.5 tsp. (4,000mg to 5,000mg) per day and it really helps!

(John) #22

This day after has been been crazy, my stomach hasn’t quieted all day.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #23

Yes, the second and third day can be very active for some. It does get better with more experience at fasting!

(eat more) #24

two of my friends are fasting today! :blush:
thanks to you guys i can give them personal and forum tips!

(eat more) #25

oh yeah…feast/fast
is it the megan ramos link or some other that ya’ll can point me to?
seems like it’s a newly active practice and i want to understand it more clearly
it took me forever too sort out IF because a lot of the info i found kept saying “it’s really about calorie restriction” and that didn’t sit well with me…it’s about same daily targets just in a smaller period of time…right?! :joy:

thanks :blush:


Feast/Fast is about 2 things.

First is feasting before you fast

Second is stressing that you get plenty of calories and nutrition during the feast to avoid entering a chronic calorie-restricted state that affects BMR and reduces it.

A person could still eat reduced calories during their feast provided that their body can supply the deficit from adipose tissue, but it’s important to make a clear distinction between chronic calorie restriction and just reducing calories and getting the difference from body fat.

Right now the only difference appears to be experiential because in calorie-restriction the body will sense it as a famine and reduce energy expenditure which would probably result in feeling cold and reduced energy, but reducing calories where the difference is supplied from body fat wouldn’t result in any metabolic slowdown.


I’m a little confused as to how many calories I should be eating during a fasting pattern of one meal a day. I naturally tap out at about 800 calories. Then it’s back into fasting mode. Maybe it’s only temporary and it’ll even out as I switch up the fasting pattern. Also, I eat carbs and fat and protein. Today it was about 40 fats 30 carb and 30 protein. I don’t really know what to eat. There is a lot of conflicting information out there and I’m such a noob. Any thoughts?

(Tina Emmons) #28

I just posted the same question about HCG. Wondering if anyone knows if the drops were actually doing anything or was I just fasting?!?! Seems like I would have had a similar result only wouldn’t end up hating poor, unsuspecting skinless chicken breasts and plain beef patties! I never encountered any fats tho, as you said. My instructions were zero fats including not even touching them with my hands??