First 5-Day Fast


Today I broke my first 5-day fast. I drank water, coffee with a small amount of HWC, and took a few hits of salt throughout the fast if I felt a small headache coming on during the early days. I was considering going to seven days but the last two days have been a mental battle for me. My issue was I felt perfectly fine. I know that sounds weird but I kept thinking why do I feel OK? How can I not be hungry? Do I really need to eat at all? I don’t feel human. I definitely psyched myself out a bit. Breaking the fast was no big deal. I made a batch of brussel sprouts with bacon :stuck_out_tongue: and later in the evening a glass of red wine and lettuce wrapped burger with avocado and an egg. I feel amazing!

As they say, fasting is a muscle. I started with OMAD, then three days, four days, and now a 5-day. I’m going to shoot for a 7-day fast in late June and maybe some smaller 3-day fasts here and there.

I really enjoy the benefits of fasting and adding it to my ketogenic diet has worked wonders. I feel the fasting has impacted my insulin resistance dramatically helping with my PCOS. My cycles are regulating (for the first time in my life!), I busted through a long stall, my mood has been a lot more stable, and my small bouts of pre-cycle depression are virtually gone.

(Tim W) #2

Good job on the fast!

Speaking from personal experience, this is true. With a caveat… Taking a few precautions while fasting will make it much “smoother”, getting enough electrolytes is job one.

Your mental response of “how the hell can this be, how can I feel this good?” are perfectly normal, take it from someone who went to the gym and worked out HARD on day 15 of a 15 day fast, the whole time wondering, how the hell do I have the energy for this… I take comfort in rememberizing (yes, I made that word up…) that our body is amazing and one pound of fat can fuel us for days (although it can be a pain to get to the point of accessing it) AND, we are simply re-learning how Groc used to live (feast/fast/survive).

Enjoy the post fast “high” that often comes with some of the re-generation of cells etc…

(Cathrine Helle) #3

Congratulations on completing :smiley:

As I’ve just completed my first five day fast (going to break it tonight), I’m curious if you’ve done other longer fasts since? I’m going on a three week vacation as I’m writing this, but will resume fasting in some form or shape when I get back. Have this longer fast changed your perception of fasting, and if so, how?

I’m really astonished by what my body can do! But I won’t say I found it easy. I have been hungry. Not ravenous, but it’s been there. I don’t know how much is real hunger or my conditioned response to being used to eating at specific times during the day, it doesn’t change the fact that it IS a bump in the road, and that it’s not all smooth sailing for me.