First 3-day fast

(Marianne) #1

Just completed my first 72-hour fast - on my five months ketoversary. Never thought I’d be able to do it and was too afraid of awakening the food demons to try. I told myself if I felt the urge to binge, I could always break it and eat a meal. Didn’t happen; it actually was a piece of cake - no hunger, really energizing feeling, so interesting.

I will say, however, that I don’t particularly enjoy fasting. I enjoy our meals too much and just like the total sensation of eating (OMAD). I only do it because I have learned of its benefits.

Best case, I’d like to do this once a week for my own good. Will see.

Once again, I am finding that eating keto is far less expensive than what I was eating before.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #2

I enjoy eating, too. So, yeah, sometimes fasting is “harder” than not. But, congrats on your fast!

(Susan) #3

Congrats Marianne, I am glad that it went so well for you, that is great.


Congratulations!! I’ve never managed that long of a fast, but I should try sometime. Anyway, I also enjoy eating! LOL!

(Marianne) #5

I found if you can do 48 hours, you can do 72. There honestly wasn’t much difference to me. For me, as long as I get through dinner time (3 hour window), the rest of the evening and next day is a breeze. I didn’t do it for the longest time because was afraid. If you decide to try, just tell yourself that if it becomes too unpleasant, just break it and eat something keto.


I’ll have to work my way up to that! Right now I’m going to aim for two 36 hour fasts per week. Once the fear wears off and it becomes “normal” for me, I think I’ll be able to increase to 48. :smile: