Fire in a Bottle II, lipedema, adipaging, twinkie-fat


(PJ) #61

Stearic Waffle 3.2 26JUN2021

4oz (1/2 cup) milk kefir (or whatever you like)
3 Tbsp lupin flour
1.5 Tbsp starch {1}
1 medium chicken egg (could be large)
33g 90% stearic (SFA) powder
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp apple-pie spice blend

  • 1 Tbsp-equiv sweetener (I forgot this)

Put all but flours into (easier: bullet/drink) blender and blend at least 30s if powerful blender, longer if regular blender, to fully emulsify the stearic fats into the egg/milk fats. Pour into bowl and add the flours and mix well. Let sit a few minutes for the starch to absorb more liquid (good time to heat up waffle iron) and mix again. Pour onto griddle, cook about 4-4.5 minutes. Use a fork to flip it onto a cooling rack for a few minutes.

{1} I am pretty sure you could sub anything you wanted for the starch as long as it absorbs fats/liquids – if protein powder, coconut flour, whatever works better, it’s worth a try, just be mindful of the conversion ratio.


  • I forgot the sweetener. Between kefir, lupin and the SFA and even the spice blend, it needs a little. Version with it was better. But this was not inedible.

  • I used starch again instead of coconut flour so I’d be changing fewer variables, as I was adding a great deal more SFA to the blend and removing some preshred mozz.

  • It cooks up fine in terms of making a single-unit that is fairly cohesive. Not as sturdy when warm. Not light inside and crispy outside like a ‘real’ waffle. But perfectly functional to smear stuff on top of and eat. If I were eating it with syrup I would suggest a tiny bowl with a melted butter and maple syrup blend, and then cutting it into pieces and dipping them. I’m not a big syrup fan.

future plans:
– maple flavor on griddle for ‘McGriddle’ version (I don’t even like these, but my DD does)
– onion/garlic/parmesan powders on grill or griddle for some kind of ‘light savory’ burger-bun version

It was so boring as a picture – you have all seen a mini waffle – I didn’t bother.

In any case it answered the question: Can I put ~30g of 90% stearic powder into (qty: 3-3.5 size: 4") waffles and have it come out edible, so I can get at least 24g of stearic acid in that meal? And can I do it in such a way that it’s edible, and not turning to wax on me? Yes and yes.

Other future plans:
Putting some MCT oil powder w/acacia in for more prebiotic fiber

(Anthony) #62

I was thinking today about how to use the powder and started to wonder if we are going about this wrong by trying to cook with it. Maybe desserts would lend themselves better?

Mix it into cream for ice cream? Fold it into ricotta for cannoli filling? We know it turns to wax out of hot mixtures on cool surfaces, maybe it’ll “disappear” into cold fats? Maybe we wouldn’t be able to get a ton in a serving but it could add up

(PJ) #63

So next experiment:

Spiced burger patties

This was just 2.3# of 80/20 chuck (happened to be what was in the bag I grabbed), 2 Tbsp of green goddess herbal blend spice, 3 Tbsp of “Weber” brand “garlic and herb” spice (that’s a thick one rather like Montreal or something), mushed up together.

I pressed them into these perfect 4" round silicone molds I got long ago for making stuff that would fit perfectly into 4" DASH waffle maker meals.


The burgers shrank down and so were then actually too SMALL for the buns, just a bit

The burgers were also thicker than I would prefer in a burger/sandwich

I think the solution is just to mold them at 4" and then once out of the mold, smash them just a bit flatter/wider.

Quick Blue Cheese Dressing

I made a superquick bluecheese dressing to use as a condiment, because I can’t eat mayo, don’t like ketchup as a condiment, and had no onions to mix with mustard which would be my pref.

8oz sour cream
1-2 Tbsp (I just poured) red wine vinegar
1 tsp wet-minced garlic (from a jar)
salt, and a whole lot of pepper
tiniest bit kefir (no whey) to thin it slightly
5oz crumbled blue cheese in a tub, which was only a month expired, compared to 2 other containers that were 6 and 12 months expired

And then for buns…

Same waffle base recipe, except savory not sweet, and cooked in the griddle and grill forms of Dash instead of the waffle iron.

Stearic Waffle 3.3 26JUN2021
4oz (1/2 cup) milk kefir
3 Tbsp lupin flour
1 Tbsp starch but it was so thin I had to add 2 Tbsp more so 3 Tbsp starch was total
1 large chicken egg
30g 90% stearic (SFA) powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp parmesan powder
touch of salt

Put all but flours into (easier: bullet/drink) blender and blend 40 seconds if powerful blender, longer if regular blender, to fully emulsify the stearic fats into the egg/milk fats. Pour into bowl and add the flours and mix well. Let sit a few minutes for the starch to absorb more liquid and mix again. Pour onto griddle, cook about 5 minutes. Use a fork to flip it onto a cooling rack for a few minutes.

Comments on breadish:

– It tasted ok. Not great, not bad. Decently “kinda neutral but savory” I would say.

– Cooked in the griddle and grill, it seems much more solid. Although diff ingredients might be part of that, it has twice the starch, plus the addition of more powders in spices than the other. It was firmer than I expected, once it had cooled a bit.

– It is somewhat more firm from the grill than griddle, as if the more-done-stripes give it more body. The griddle seemed a lot like a rather solidish pancake when it was hot. Though firmer when cool.

Comments on the “blue cheese burger”:

Was pretty good. I would prefer a thinner burger, with mustard and sliced raw onions, but this was quite good for now. And now I have extra burger patties I can reheat, and extra blue cheese dressing I can use.

It is a sign of how nuts I’m getting about the stearic, that I seriously considered how I could emulsify stearic into my blue cheese dressing, too.

I was originally planning to have chili again tonight (did I mention I made 19 servings of the stuff last night??) (WHEW it’s spicy! But how I love adding the Sandia pepper powder to it, that’s new and really a nice add) and was thinking maybe I could nuke it most-the-way, then put a tiny bit of it in blender cup with stearic and see if I could emulsify it into the chili and then pour it into the bowl and mix it up. I will do that whenever I eat the chili.

The goal being to try and get this stuff into me at every occasion.

One bad thing: I have not been taking all my supplements. I know, that’s the point of all this, but for ■■■■■■ sake! There’s a million! Anyway the main one I haven’t been taking and want to is the sterculia oil, which apparently tastes worse than anything in the world, and I just haven’t got it down my throat yet, probably more about courage than anything.

Tomorrow morning is exciting, I get to have a strawberry banana kefir stearic smoothie. And possibly chili.

@selllow so far I have not had trouble with it in anything. I just throw it into the blender, my ninja is pretty high speed, for long enough to ‘emulsify’ into whatever else I’ve got (making sure there are some other fats in whatever it is, ideally). It works great in my smoothies (which have kefir and frozen fruit and other supplements in them). It is working great in the Dash mini waffle/griddle iron, as a sweet waffle and as a savory breadish-bun for burger.

Since it’s 90% I try to get 30g in whatever I’m doing since that’s 27g – but the measure’s inexact, and I’m looking to hit at least 20g pref 24g. No problem so far, in hot or cold either one.

Mind you if I could or would eat regular wheat flour like the ‘croissant diet’ focus, I’d be in the kitchen baking all day with it no doubt! But since I can only eat either starch, or something like lupin or coconut flour, it’s just not all that exciting lol.

(Sama Hoole) #64

That’s stunned me. But it is the tart cherry for melatonin production?

(PJ) #65

I can’t even remember what the heck the tart cherry was for. At some point when I was paying attention, I decided to add it. :slight_smile:

So far the choline at night and the milk kefir during the day seem to be doing me the most good. No idea how the SFA thing is coming along. Guess I’ll just test again in a few months and see if anything has changed!

I’m getting ready to broil a flank steak, saute some peppers and onions, and soft-fry some corn tortillas, for steak tacos. Make some pico de gallo. So far the only real change in my eating is that I am able to eat corn tortillas, potatoes, a little fruit, and both milk and water kefir. Aside from that, and having removed pork from my menu, not a lot has changed with my eating.

Have adapted a natural cycle of sorts of a day with decent carbs in it, the next day with not much food at all but a protein drink(s), and the third day with tons of protein and some fats. Don’t know what this’ll do to my size, we will see, but it seems like a pattern setting in.

(Anthony) #66

I’m still experimenting with it myself. Personally I’ve found myself susceptible to carb creep, some carbs help with my satiety and mood, but if I don’t pay attention I over do them and start adding weight. Brads macros don’t work for me, I need more fat. I’ve kinda settled on only adding them to one or two meals a day.

I’m not tracking anything, but I’m fairly confident I’m around 100-150g of total carbs a day many of which are naturally occurring from dairy/vegetables. Sugar only occasionally. I’m trying to limit my pork and egg consumption, but that’s a real battle for me and I’ve mostly made peace with cutting back to 3 or so a day and pork only occasionally.

(PJ) #67

I’ve had some issues with forgetting diuretics and such so I’m trying to get that back to normal for a few days then I will weigh and see if I notice anything either direction. Although that is not really the point of the exercise for me initially.

Since I cannot eat any grains except corn (or oatmeal) (which mysteriously do not seem to bother me, while rice and wheat destroy me) my carbs are pretty limited to corn tortillas, fruit, and milk kefir. And more of the produce than I used to ever have.

I’ve fallen in love with saute of onions and peppers (with some spices), then frying the corn tortillas in that, then mixing the saute with spicy guacamole, into the tortilla – either plain (adding a protein drink), or with scrambled eggs or taco meat (cheese optional if I have the saute). Coconut oil. Is it FIOB-ideal? Probably not. But it’s not high pufa, I don’t eat more than 3 eggs a day (given walmart meat is my other option I don’t think backyard chicken eggs are a bad option), and so far I feel ok.

Given my history, normally if I ditch keto I start growing at lightspeed. That does not seem to be happening and that alone is amazing.

(Anthony) #68

I think being keto for a period of time may be a hard reset for your body that changes it permanently. For example I used to have lactose tolerance issues that are completely gone now, also I’ve discovered wheat products bloat/cause inflammation which was never a problem (or I didn’t realize it was one).

Similar experience here. I think it stands to reason that after losing a significant amount of weight and a hard reset via keto our metabolic needs change.

(Edith) #69

I’m curious, what have you noticed adding them into your diet?

(PJ) #70

Well, it’s been five years since open heart surgery, and it’s been since about Fall of 2009 before I could write code worth a damn and then at all. Even early last year I tried… my brain just had too much oxygen deprivation too long. And yet last week suddenly it was like I was ok. This did not come with trumpets like it should have. I just realized that all the sudden I was ok. I could remember stuff fine and I haven’t even had the “can’t find words” problem in quite some time. I meditate with my body a lot and I was telling someone about the brain thing when body said inside me, “choline.” I was not taking it for that reason. I initially got alpha GPC choline because I had gotten a nootropic, which I ended up not taking more than 1 day, because half an hour later I was so relaxed and ready to sleep. Turned out it was the choline. I moved it to bedtime since I was having some trouble falling and staying asleep and it really helped. Apparently, it’s been helping my brain, too.

Milk kefir has a major reduction in my chronic inflammation. (Since my diet is fairly clean I assume that is from the small edemic leakage in my bovine heart valve.) If I don’t have either water or milk kefir in a given day (pref milk for this effect) my inflammation is a lot higher when I wake up the next morning. Adding it back resolves it.

(Edith) #71

That’s pretty amazing! It must be very satisfying to you to be able to improve your brain health like that. Thanks for the details.

Also, very interesting about the kefir helping with the inflammation. That’s gives me something to think about.

(Anthony) #72

Have you noticed an increase in hunger after doing this a while now?

I shifted my saturated fat sources more towards stearic acid to get more in line with brads theories. At first it cratered my appetite, but after several weeks it’s back with a vengeance.

(PJ) #73

I had about a week where I did not have stearic nor kefir. All I noticed was inflammation edema went up. I just resumed making sure I have some kefir-with-stearic daily the other day. Helps a lot for the inflammation (the kefir). I am not prone to high appetite as a norm so I haven’t yet noticed any real impact of stearic except I am less hungry than usual which is usually not very hungry so that is not much to go on!

I could theorize that if the body is getting even slightly healthier in some way it might actually be wanting more nutrients it’s not getting but suddenly has room/energy/motive to want to utilize. If one is eating mostly more protein or fiber I wouldn’t think increased intake should be much of a problem for weight, at least.

(Anthony) #74

There’s been no real change from a weight perspective, just normal float in range.

I’m not concerned, was just comparing notes. I have a few ideas, but they’re mostly just suspicions.

(Sama Hoole) #75

I’ve been doing some variation of this for my cut. Zero carbs with high saturated fat over the week, and a big pile of starch and saturated fat to pump up the metabolism over the weekend.

13kg down over 8 weeks, while eating an average of 3000+ calories, so I can’t complain.

(PJ) #76

So for just over a week (again), I kept the nearly no PUFA but dropped the stearic. The result is mostly that I have profoundly less energy than I did at the same protein level but with the SFA. And more of an occasional driving-nosh toward carbs (energy). So, that’s a result, all answers are good. Back to stearic today. Previously I had done this but did it by dropping the kefir. This time I had the kefir, only dropped the stearic. I thought maybe the kefir was messing up the response variable.

(Anthony) #77

Interesting observation, something I’ll have to pay attention to. I’ve had some trouble recently avoiding PUFAs (travel weekends). I can tell you how God awful bad I feel after eating them for a few days–and that’s avoiding then as best as I can while eating out. It takes about 3-5 days afterwards to lose the bloat and begin feeling better again.

(Edith) #78

Could you refresh my memory on what source you are using for stearic acid?

(Betsy) #79

I don’t have anything to add, but wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your posts. I appreciate that you have been able to read Peter and Brad’s info and explain it in an easier to understand way.
Thank you

(Bob M) #80

A few months. I did not track calories, but they must have been massive, as I gained weight so quickly that it was impressive. My wife was freaking out. And I gained it all in my belly. Which isn’t supposed to happen.

Anyway, I’m still 10-15 pounds heavier than where I was pre-Croissant diet. I’ve had to go back to long-term and intermittent fasting and eating very low carb/keto again. I’m getting back to where I was, but I lose weight very slowly. It took me over 5 years to get back into 34 pants (from 43). It’ll take me at least another year to get back into some of my 34s, as I still can’t wear a lot of them.

I think it’s complex. I’ve been limiting PUFAs for years. I think my fat cells therefore were mainly “converted” back to sat fat or at least I had low levels of PUFAs in them. I theorize now this is why I needed a HUGE amount of saturated fat to get an effect. If I got less than that amount, I got zero effect I could see.

So, using ghee + stearic acid + starch to soak up massive amounts of that = a high amount of satiety. Eating 10% fat yogurt + dark chocolate + cacao = nothing. Eating real croissants + butter = nothing. Eating potatoes fried in home-made tallow from suet (high in saturated fat) = nothing. For the croissants and potatoes, I could eat them with no stopping in sight, and get no satiety effect.

I think genetics may also play a role. I have Polish genetics, and my entire family is overweight. I remember them eating starch + butter as primary meals, and they were still overweight. Saturated fat did not help them. (I’m basing this only on what I saw them eat, but that was a long time ago.)

Next up, I’m going to do a higher protein, lower fat keto diet. I’ve done this for lunches, but not as an entire way of eating. I’ll see what happens.