Ferocious Fix February - Carnivore Challenge (Fit it In - Fit in It! ) Feb 2022




(Will) #31

I decided to find those clothes that I knew were too snug to wear, I put them an to get an idea, even took a quick picture to compare at the end of the month.
Goals I’ve set are to continue moving toward a more balanced work-life which definitely reduces stress.
Continue to get outdoors and be more active
Talk to more people about what a positive experience that I’ve had with starting keto and then with carnivore.
I’m sure there will be many more goals that come along as I go.
Today’s menu is skirt steak along with salmon fillets.

(Karen) #32

Morning everyone. Well crappy night last night… knew it was too good to be true having such a great night the night before… oh well not really surprised so not really disappointed either. I did eat cheese yesterday as I found a fairly nice one in Sainsburys so maybe that kept me awake . Also had RLS mostly in my ankles last night which I can only assume resulted from the 100cal bike I did in yesterdays CrossFit wod. I was going like the clappers and I am not great on the bike as I don’t much like it and would have preferred rower had I not tugged my hip on it on Saturday. Airing on caution and listening to my body … mantra hahaha

Anyway ran my 100 flights of stairs this morning at a good steady pace. Taking me anywhere between 34 and 38 mins depending how I am feeling which isn’t bad going. Took one propranolol this morning to guage how I feel on it and I am feeling quite OK. Not as tired as I expected and not as low mood as previous 3 or 4 days. Even got on with pottering around clearing and cleaning and I hate housework lol. Got some paperwork done and filed, changed my bed, hoovered and dusted upstairs, brushed the stair carpet down and hoovered downstairs too. Now taking a break in the laundrette for half n hour. :smile: got to work in the breaks else I am totally wiped out.

Brunch was 4 bacon rashers followed by cooked chicken heated in the big pan with the left over pork beef, lamb and bacon fats and it was really quite nice. The pan needed a clean but I didn’t want to waste the fat and I have plenty in little bowls in fridge so didn’t want to save it either. Just gave me a good salt kick this morning which I felt I needed.

Beef burger and lamb chops for dinner later and will save a beef burger to eat cold before bed … see if that helps me sleep again. Up early as tomorrow morning… middle of the night stuff again for work day. Only a 4 hour shift tomorrow as I am now on 50% of my normal shift on my phased return. Blimey I am glad I am partially retired. :wink:

The evening sky last night was getting quite heavy with cloud but it made the colour of my wall pop. I love looking out the kitchen window cos that yellow just keeps changing hue throughout the day and makes me happy looking at it. I know I know I am that weirdo woman! :laughing:


The pic is a good idea. I have a series of selfie face shots from January, and will continue with that monitoring tool.

(Karen) #34

Done the laundrette, done the spinner when I got home cos the washers at the laundrette don’t spin too well, done the hanging up and then was done in lol :laughing::laughing:

Sat outside in the garden with a brew listening to the birds and refilled the feeders that were nearly empty. Dull and overcast but a lot milder than the last few days. Its lovely listening and trying to identify the different birds. The Robin always let’s me know when he’s there and now I can distinguish the great tits too. I am getting there. Its so lovely to have had to slow down, though I wouldn’t recommend doing it the way I have hahaha but there is always a silver lining and whereas I would have just gone out and about (and spent the pennies on rubbish) i can now improve my knowledge on the garden and indoor plants and the birdies. Feeling good and reflective today.

Made the lamb chops for dinner which were nice, the other bag I got out with them last night turned out to be cooked ham which is fine I may eat that later. Also had one of the big beef burgers and but cooked both from in the pack and have left the second one to eat cold before bed in the hopes it aids good sleep like 2 nights ago!


So many posts I am getting confused on who is here and how well everyone is doing LOL :slight_smile:

But @Azi
thanks for sharing that info with your Dr C appt! I love hearing what is going down with you on that.

TO ALL: this is what Azi is doing…Dr. Ken Berry, BBBE Challenge, which to me is what our plan is all about. for those interested.

Also remember too, ALOT OF times the more a carnivore eats the more they trigger weight loss.

wow that is a dark sky!
I love how you said slowing down is showing you a diff. daily life now for yourself, but yes, no one wants it thru a medical crisis but in the end, out of bad can easily come good for us!!

----I love we got skinny jeans as a focus, we got clothing articles we are wanting to be more comfortable, we got selfie pics etc to show progression, this is one interactive bunch of carnivores who are actively wanting to change themselves and taking big actions to do it…I love it!! I thoroughly enjoy being a part of this group and amazed just how dedicated to health and change we all are and it is a priviledge to be chatting with you guys :sunny:

Lion Diet.
got a 1 lb. ribeye to eat and tonight I got burgers.
I feel ‘very safe’ eating beef beef and more beef :slight_smile: I did it before and I know it will suit me well. So far so good…day 2, ask me how it is going on day 18 HAHA

Soldier on!!


Where’s the link to this Challenge?

(Linda ) #37

This morning I started with a lamb hock

2nd meal will be flanken ribs

(Daisy) #38

Meal one was Denver steaks and bone broth jello (not pictured). Mea two was the leftover lamb shanks. I spent several hours last night laying with steamy cloths over my face and it almost completely broke up the sinus infection! I’m probably at 80% today :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:. I considered working out, but decided to give it one more day. Sleep last night again was NyQuil sleep, so not worth noting.

(Linda ) #39

(Judy Thompson) #40

Really glad you said that. For my meal at 1 pm I had a POUND of salmon filet and a patty of grass fed burger. That was a lot to eat! Probably won’t need anything else till tomorrow.

(Daisy) #41

This thread is the challenge. We do a monthly zero carb/carnivore challenge in this little corner of the forum. This is our February thread :grinning:


I didn’t know what this is so I googled. Now I know. (My guess wasn’t far :smiley: But of course it’s butter and not broth…)
And found a diet that is the same - plus ice cream (mostly cream but sugar too. little but still)… What.

Hi guys, I didn’t want to come until I have a proper carni day but of course I can’t last so long. But just popped in a tiny bit. [Yeah, sure. You would think I already know myself after all these times. Nope, I still believe in the chance of me being short. When there are many new comments since my last visit and I am just getting ready for a new carnivore period.]
I had 6 vegetarian days I think, carbier than ideal but most of my food still was pretty good (and very, very eggy). I am not into scrambled eggs anymore but pancakes are fine and I have several savory fillings now.
I run out of all my dairy except butter and sour cream and I don’t overeat them. Not like I overate cream, almost the whole bag (250ml) was consumed by Alvaro. Yay. No cream January and low cream February, nice. I don’t ban it anymore but I rarely will buy it and only consume it in tiny amounts. 50-100g a month should be fine I suppose.

Today I planned to eat some leftover (from Alvaro’s soup) cabbage I fried. I LOVED that stuff. It’s quite low-carb - it’s not for eating in big quantities at all, it’s flavorful, a little goes a long way. It suits eggs, I can add sour cream too… I even liked the smell while frying it. And added black pepper, it’s awesome with black pepper. Nope. I don’t want to eat even this single leaf I actually liked before. (Spices don’t count.) The soup was nicer as it’s soup and I LOVE soups. Unless they are way too dense, carby or sweet. This one is good because… 1. water! 2. sour cream 3. vinegar. And it was tasty just too sweet but that’s what salt, sour cream and vinegar are for… Still wasn’t tempting in bigger quantities. So it seems I am still not good with vegetables beyond onions, tomatoes and the occasional crunchy juicy raw vegs. I don’t even want to try the rest in the future, they are simply not for me.

But I have a bread phase. So I will make carnivore breads, better ones than my previous ones, they worked but I want some firmer, drier stuff. Maybe it will be short lived as I will have meat but I can’t imagine eating my usual roasts yet. Maybe I just need to start… But I rather start carefully, with some fish and that will be not a big amount. I have liver too, sounds nice as it’s chicken liver this time, again.

I wonder if I ever had one… I know we at the company all had to make to a check-up about 15 years ago but I got no results, I just were told my blood is wonderful or something like that.
One day I might get curious but as long as I feel okay, I couldn’t care less about my numbers and I am pretty sure I will be healthy for many decades more (I was born with good genes and the opposite of hypochondria, you see. I wonder if it has its own word, probably… everything has its own word). And I have no doctor anyway. But I have healthcare, I should use it for something, I never used it for my teeth and they were very costly…
Yes, it would be interesting to see my numbers. But I can’t compare them with anything. Only with my even more future ones.

I am pretty sure a human can die from about anything. Not any human and it may take some other unlucky factors but…

I still can’t imagine losing my taste, it’s something that should be in my room 101… Though it’s not one of the worst things ever. But pretty bad for a hedonist who loves food and feels very irritated with super low appetite for days on row… I need my joy from food, not all the time but sometimes. Often. Almost always.

My aunt still says that. My Grandma died decades ago… But the house is big and my aunt is only one person and she had the biggest, sunniest room anyway with plants and a nice view to the garden. So that room stayed just like it was.

There is someone with an extremely short memory. MINUTES. He was a big musician and he still can play. And remembers his ex-wife (she visits and is nice and everything). Remembers almost nothing at all, everything is the first time but music and her, he remembers them. Not their wedding or anything at all, just something vague but important of her.
So music and the strongest love ties, they are special and some part must be stored(?) elsewhere.

Yay, another one who likes chicken liver. I still remember @Fangs saying it’s cat food :smiley:
We all have our personal taste and many people doesn’t even like any liver. I can get bored of chicken liver but I still can eat it pretty regularly. Just not every week anymore. And I eat it slowly, a little at a time. I will make pâté next time, even the bad pork liver got edible that way, the chicken liver will be great I am sure.

No, that’s a nice yellow (orange), I could look at it a lot too (well, maybe we are both weirdos… well I would wish every weirdo would be this cool weirdo, appreciating changing colors) and it’s a blessing to find a warm color that looks good enough all day… I like warm yellows. I probably would choose a tad less orange myself (not like I can know from a photo what color is this but still) and would enjoy a superior warmness when sunset hits it. But I have deep red tiles on the roof so my wall never will be orange-ish yellow, that would be too much. I just like to look at such houses, there are many around here. The fences are very open, just some wire on most places. And we don’t even have any fence between us and one neighbour (we need to go to their property to care for our own blackberries. the owners probably were in good relationship in the past as the well belongs to both properties. hopefully it never will cause a problem. we don’t have neighbours living here at the moment).

IDK how big a patty is but a pound of salmon is very little food!
Once I ate 1000g fatty pork, not in one sitting, though… Well that was a lot. To me. Not necessarily to everyone…

Tomorrow I will bring photos. I think. Not sure what I will do with my fish (one hake at a time, it’s so tasteless lean fish but the texture is nice and I can add things to make it better), stew or some recipe I have found ages ago and never made it.

(Linda ) #43

Yeah BBBE isn’t as restrictive as lion but ppl have had amazing results even if not in pounds but in lost inches…

I prob won’t eat a ton Of eggs and butter but it’s options along with the bacon that I can add if I need it…

I cooked 4 flanken ribs but I could only eat 3…


I would rather stay fat :smiley: Well I can’t afford much beef anyway and it’s fine as I prefer pork… And I don’t like bacon much. Sour cream, on the other hand… :smiley: Butter should be avoided as it doesn’t satiate me (and I can’t afford it anyway). But it’s good and unique so a little here and there is fine… :wink: My eggy coffees would be very sad without both cream and butter. Butter offers the dairy flavor and I take up on its offer :slight_smile:

Of course, I don’t NEED to drink coffee but it’s not how I work, sadly.

I will have hake fish and pork jowl as my main dish, it seems, they are frying in the pan now but my meal is far away at this point. I just cook a simple thing for Alvaro so I could supervise my own stuff too, at the same time. Caroline (who had a name day yesterday and she got a new name as a present: Aida as it was both Karolina and Aida day. Karolina is the Hungarian version of Caroline/Carolyn, the cat got the name from the Portal game. I call her Caroline, Alvaro calls her Carolyn and he says the original is one written and the other spoken…? I don’t care, to me she is Caroline), so Caroline was happy with some fishbone with plenty meat on it. I am not stingy if it’s fish I don’t even like :smiley: I would never eat it alone, boring, tasteless. And tender, that’s the good part. It’s so fun that there are animals with so soft meat…


so I read your lamb shanks and think WHAT is she doing? that isn’t Lion? and then I know what I mixed up… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

In my brain I am doing beef and water only. My limited Lion version, but I know Lion is actually any ruminant like lamb or bison or deer etc.

Yes, hot water on face or steam from a shower is a very good break up on clogged sinus! I do it all the time when I go down with sinus but happy you are doing so much better!

-----------------So I said Lion with KD but I am doing limited Lion. Just beef and water. Beef meaning just from a good ol’ cow. But Lion of course is any ruminant critter but I am gonna do this month on beef…so that was my mix up reading about KD :slight_smile:

today is big Tbone steak
second meal…not sure but probably burgers again but I have to hit store and check out entire beef area, I think I need some beef short ribs, beef roasts, like chuck or something…you know, just some change from a steak and burger in my day. Not like it is different ya know, but YEA it is different :wink:

All good so far but on exercise. I just am not doing those darn tapes. Raining today but my mind thought, walk dog? In the cold nasty horrible winter brrrr out there? maybe? Probably not HAHA but I know something in this month of Feb I need to find something to move a tad more…but ya know…warmer months ARE coming sooner than later so maybe I will wait? :roll_eyes: yea me bad on this!

we shall see…

edited to say hit my local close smokehouse little store down the road and scored 4 beautiful ribeye steaks on big markdown…oh yea my butcher friend was putting them out and I GOT them first :slight_smile: happy ribeye shopper here right now HA

(Karen) #46

This is the shade of yellow during the day when no sun on it. The sun turns it a golden yellow and that dark sky made it a darker golden yellow (orangish lol)


Crikey another summer heat wave.

Warm balmy nights for walks at the beach.

Rib eye steak and baked chicken wings for dinner over 2 nights. 3 pastured eggs and 3 rashers of shortcut bacon at NoFUN breakfast (2pm). 2 coffees with careful portion cream before noon.

Have to restart prednisone every 2nd day with immune reactive polyarthritis flare up on 3rd day off it.


I love you get a color change like that, changes the environment and keeps ya wondering on just ‘what shade’ the wall will be today LOL

Great pics, you did such a nice job making your own little paradise, well worth all the pennys ya spent on it K, all for you to enjoy!!

trade ya. wet cold rain here!

you are eating so well FB, I feel you are on that right path, a bit of meds controlled to help you and good food and that darn beach ya live by to just melt away the stress from your life is such a great combo for you!!

(Robin) #49

Those are my colors… anything in the amber/gold/yellow range. and I love when colors change during the day.