Ferocious Fix February - Carnivore Challenge (Fit it In - Fit in It! ) Feb 2022



Good Morning, Fabulous Carnivores!
@JJFiddle … That is the coolest mom-tribute!
@Shinita … I am so sorry.((((BIG HUGS)))))) Having gone through the same flood of emotions, emotional ambushes, and just longing to hug her one more time … Totally get where you’re coming from. But, the jacket? That would make her smile and giggle, no doubt! You go, girl!

@Fangs … Missed you so much! Very happy to be back, and chat w ya. 94 years old! Holy smokes! Give your mama a high five for me. =)

@FrankoBear You’re clearly killin’ it with carnivore. Meds— glad you’re getting off the prednisone. I see that you’ve got a nice array of supplements and such that you are taking. Do you happen to have NAC, also? N-acetyl Cystine. I’ve been taking that to help the bod produce the glutathione, but I learned something new recently. Its best to take a dose in the morning, AND one before bed. Its window in the body is 8-12 hours, and so you get the full liver-detox benefit along with everything else, taking 2 doses ensures a steady supply and process. So, throwing that out there in case you hadn’t added it in yet.

@Karen18 Hoping the BP situation gets resolved right quick. Looks like you are back to your active wonderful self again with all that exercise. OH! Crispy bits on burnt lamb are still tasty!

So, we are back from vacation. Had some nice weather in FL and GA…of course…given that it was -19f when we left our house - ANYTHING above 0f I’d consider “nice”. LOL! WE did encounter the worst weather from Nashville to Louisville. Not sure what genius thought it was good idea to orchestrate road construction on a Friday night during a snow storm, but someone got paid a lot for that bit of stupidity. Seriously, chipping wood in the median at 6pm on a Friday evening? WTF is that even about!!! I was pissed we had to sit there for so long, as they moved their equipment around, but I was laughing because it was just so STUPID! The rest of the way was pretty stellar.

Carnivored the whole way, but did partake in a bit of southern no-no food one night with my cousin. Did not overdo it. So, I felt more in control. Will not, I will not beat myself up for it either. I am 100% back on track and February is my month to cleanse and rock. Going to re-start the gym membership too. Its right near work, so, should be an easy thing to work in.

Paying for my time off now. Checked my work schedule when we got home. Have a 7 day stretch - no days off. Nothing like getting burned out again! Hoping the new guy can shoulder a little more responsibility and take some of my hours. That will likely help me not to contemplate resigning.

Well, time to go play batwoman, and hang upsidedown on the inversion table. Then off to work. Take care all, and enjoy the carnivore life!

(Daisy) #22

My goal for February is just to kick this sickness that’s had me down the last week and get back into my workout routines. I haven’t had the energy to lift a paper clip :joy:. And to stay on lion diet.

Meal one was a lamb shoulder chop and some leftover steak. Meal two was my first time trying lamb shanks. Made 4, ate 2. They were extremely filling! Took a full dose of NyQuil split between two doses at night. NyQuil has always had this fascinating effect on me, whether I take a half or full dose. It knocks me completely out for exactly 4 hours and then to the minute of the 4 hour mark, my eyes fly open. So I always just take a half dose, then 4 hours later take the other half. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had a sinus infection that’s made me as miserable as this one has.

(Linda ) #23

Appointment ph call with Dr C went well
He was pleased with my blood work… at first he was worried that I had fallen into carbs when I told him about the weight gain but after going through my labs he felt it was prob caused by overeating and more often, add that to alot less movement…but since I’m back to 2 meals a day no snacking he’s not concerned and said got this and it should self correct his only concern was my vitamin D because its tanking at only 24 so he wants me to take a supplement with k2

Plans for Feb lose more of the regained weight fit my jeans with no muffin top (hopefully)
Plan is to start BBBE…
First meal was a egg life wrap bacon strip ,lamb, and a sausage strip…in a teaspoon of garlic/yogurt
2nd meal will be lamb hock…

(Edith) #24

Have you tested yourself for Covid. Two of my daughter’s came down with it right after Thanksgiving. They both thought they had nasty colds, but then they lost their sense of taste and smell. Turns out they had Covid.

(Edith) #25

Last weekend, after visiting my parents, I received a phone call from my mom. She was very worried about how thin I looked. I told her I had actually gained several pounds lately. :laughing: She told me I needed to put on 10 more pounds, lol.

Since I had decided that 2022 was my year of taking care of myself and getting checkups, I made an appointment to have a physical. It was this morning.

My blood pressure was good (98/70 - I made sure I had some salt this morning.) My weight was good, which I knew it was. I considered asking the doctor to write a letter to my mom explaining to her I was at a healthy weight, but I think she will just have to take my word for it. :innocent:

I should have the blood test results back by Friday. I am very curious to see how my cholesterol and triglycerides are doing. It’s been over four years since my last physical. That one was done six months into my keto journey. It will be interesting to see how much things have changed with age and 4.5 years of keto/carnivore.

(Daisy) #26

No, mine is a textbook sinus infection (sinus goop, sinus headache, sinus toothache) but it’s a sinus infection on steroids :joy: if I had treated it at the start, it probably wouldn’t have been so bad, but I left it completely untreated from Wednesday to Saturday because I wanted to do a full 30 days lion diet… then I did raw honey on Saturday and Sunday and it continued to get worse. Then I started taking otc medicine Sunday night. As long as my medicine is working, I feel ok, but the second it wears off… ugh

(Karen) #27

@Fangs hahaha backward leggings isn’t the normal around here ya know lol I really was have a touch of confusion. Yws I did think I should perhaps start eating cold cooked beef burgers for supper each night but I don’t think its that easy! Haha everyone one can rest easy I got out there and back in one piece!
Pharmacist trialling me on propranolol lowest dose and just to take on my work days as thats when the BP crazy spikes. (beta blockers) i will give them a go and report back to the pharmacist.

Dinner was a small salmon fillet that I thought I had desicrated but actually tasted okay but the king prawns I cooked with it were absolutely awful so they went in bin. So I then cooked up the last 2 pork chops in fridge and they were nice. Had some cheese, I try so hard not to !!! And 1 hard boiled egg

Git some more lamb chops out of freezer and some more beef burgers to defrost. I am going to try a cold one before bed tomorrow night as I am at work Thursday and it would be nice if it works and I sleep lol

(Judy Thompson) #28

That’s the same thing that happened to me… although we never tested, we thought he had a reaction to the covid vaccine and a couple days later I got a cough and thought it was the worst cold I’d ever had. I even googled, can I die from a cold? :rofl: We slept constantly, tried cold medicine and it didn’t work, then realized the dizziness probably meant lower O2 and Bingo! You lose your taste and smell and appetite, you sleep all the time, with us we had a bad cold with dry cough but no runny nose. We had it for 6 weeks. Couldn’t drive his truck and my car was dead so we never left the house, just ate an egg each every day for weeks! Anyway KD - maybe that’s it. And VE I can empathize with your daughters!

Thanks all, re: Mom. We still miss her, mainly because we built this house for her to live in with us, and we still refer to her room as Mom’s room, Mom’s bathroom, I sometimes forget whose clothes I’m wearing, lol. The last year and a half she was in memory care but when covid let up enough to visit, she was in hospice, and I’d take my uke down and play for her in her room. She never forgot any music, she’d wake up and sing words and harmonies, even when she couldn’t remember for sure who I was. The human brain is an amazing thing!

I didn’t get in here on any serious note yesterday but I made carni hollandaise and we had it over the last half of that pork tenderloin! It was yummy. Calls for bacon grease so I have to get TONS of bacon this week. I don’t think bacon yields anywhere near the grease it used to - or as much as our PA farmer’s did. Yummy though! Just egg yolks and hot bacon grease, dribbled into the yolks, mixed with the immersion blender. A little salt if necessary.

Today, beautiful chicken livers - they’re different than beef livers which I’ve done twice, softer and very good. Also some hamburger dressed with a soft boiled egg and a couple Hebrew National hot dogs - not so fond of those but hubby liked them. Instead of the liver, he had salad, broc and potatoes with gravy. I think mine was better!


I’m ready for a challenge!

My goals:

–Being more aware of being “in my body” (not walking around as a disembodied head).

–Drinking more water. I am pretty bad at this so need to make a conscious effort!

–Reducing my body fat percentage. This has been a goal for a long time. But to be honest, I dropped a few percentage points in body fat in the first six months of this WOE, but since then it has not it has not really changed. It tends to range from 31% to 33% depending on how hydrated I am (it was 35% when I started this WOE, which is considered “over-fat” even though I was not technically overweight).

I would ideally like to get down to 25% body fat which is a healthy level for a woman who is not very athletic (due to health limitations). I certainly can’t do that in a month but would like to work toward it! For me it will mean getting more consistent with resistance training and probably also dropping a few pounds. I have been ranging from about 127 to 130 lately, and my body fat is always too high at that weight. So I am shooting for 120 - 125. Again, not going to reach that goal by the end of Feb but I can get started.

I like the “skinny jeans” image you threw out. I love skinny jeans and just got a new pair, so I will be aware of how they fit and feel as the month goes on.

It will be great to be able to check in here. Thanks!



(Will) #31

I decided to find those clothes that I knew were too snug to wear, I put them an to get an idea, even took a quick picture to compare at the end of the month.
Goals I’ve set are to continue moving toward a more balanced work-life which definitely reduces stress.
Continue to get outdoors and be more active
Talk to more people about what a positive experience that I’ve had with starting keto and then with carnivore.
I’m sure there will be many more goals that come along as I go.
Today’s menu is skirt steak along with salmon fillets.

(Karen) #32

Morning everyone. Well crappy night last night… knew it was too good to be true having such a great night the night before… oh well not really surprised so not really disappointed either. I did eat cheese yesterday as I found a fairly nice one in Sainsburys so maybe that kept me awake . Also had RLS mostly in my ankles last night which I can only assume resulted from the 100cal bike I did in yesterdays CrossFit wod. I was going like the clappers and I am not great on the bike as I don’t much like it and would have preferred rower had I not tugged my hip on it on Saturday. Airing on caution and listening to my body … mantra hahaha

Anyway ran my 100 flights of stairs this morning at a good steady pace. Taking me anywhere between 34 and 38 mins depending how I am feeling which isn’t bad going. Took one propranolol this morning to guage how I feel on it and I am feeling quite OK. Not as tired as I expected and not as low mood as previous 3 or 4 days. Even got on with pottering around clearing and cleaning and I hate housework lol. Got some paperwork done and filed, changed my bed, hoovered and dusted upstairs, brushed the stair carpet down and hoovered downstairs too. Now taking a break in the laundrette for half n hour. :smile: got to work in the breaks else I am totally wiped out.

Brunch was 4 bacon rashers followed by cooked chicken heated in the big pan with the left over pork beef, lamb and bacon fats and it was really quite nice. The pan needed a clean but I didn’t want to waste the fat and I have plenty in little bowls in fridge so didn’t want to save it either. Just gave me a good salt kick this morning which I felt I needed.

Beef burger and lamb chops for dinner later and will save a beef burger to eat cold before bed … see if that helps me sleep again. Up early as tomorrow morning… middle of the night stuff again for work day. Only a 4 hour shift tomorrow as I am now on 50% of my normal shift on my phased return. Blimey I am glad I am partially retired. :wink:

The evening sky last night was getting quite heavy with cloud but it made the colour of my wall pop. I love looking out the kitchen window cos that yellow just keeps changing hue throughout the day and makes me happy looking at it. I know I know I am that weirdo woman! :laughing:


The pic is a good idea. I have a series of selfie face shots from January, and will continue with that monitoring tool.

(Karen) #34

Done the laundrette, done the spinner when I got home cos the washers at the laundrette don’t spin too well, done the hanging up and then was done in lol :laughing::laughing:

Sat outside in the garden with a brew listening to the birds and refilled the feeders that were nearly empty. Dull and overcast but a lot milder than the last few days. Its lovely listening and trying to identify the different birds. The Robin always let’s me know when he’s there and now I can distinguish the great tits too. I am getting there. Its so lovely to have had to slow down, though I wouldn’t recommend doing it the way I have hahaha but there is always a silver lining and whereas I would have just gone out and about (and spent the pennies on rubbish) i can now improve my knowledge on the garden and indoor plants and the birdies. Feeling good and reflective today.

Made the lamb chops for dinner which were nice, the other bag I got out with them last night turned out to be cooked ham which is fine I may eat that later. Also had one of the big beef burgers and but cooked both from in the pack and have left the second one to eat cold before bed in the hopes it aids good sleep like 2 nights ago!


So many posts I am getting confused on who is here and how well everyone is doing LOL :slight_smile:

But @Azi
thanks for sharing that info with your Dr C appt! I love hearing what is going down with you on that.

TO ALL: this is what Azi is doing…Dr. Ken Berry, BBBE Challenge, which to me is what our plan is all about. for those interested.

Also remember too, ALOT OF times the more a carnivore eats the more they trigger weight loss.

wow that is a dark sky!
I love how you said slowing down is showing you a diff. daily life now for yourself, but yes, no one wants it thru a medical crisis but in the end, out of bad can easily come good for us!!

----I love we got skinny jeans as a focus, we got clothing articles we are wanting to be more comfortable, we got selfie pics etc to show progression, this is one interactive bunch of carnivores who are actively wanting to change themselves and taking big actions to do it…I love it!! I thoroughly enjoy being a part of this group and amazed just how dedicated to health and change we all are and it is a priviledge to be chatting with you guys :sunny:

Lion Diet.
got a 1 lb. ribeye to eat and tonight I got burgers.
I feel ‘very safe’ eating beef beef and more beef :slight_smile: I did it before and I know it will suit me well. So far so good…day 2, ask me how it is going on day 18 HAHA

Soldier on!!


Where’s the link to this Challenge?

(Linda ) #37

This morning I started with a lamb hock

2nd meal will be flanken ribs

(Daisy) #38

Meal one was Denver steaks and bone broth jello (not pictured). Mea two was the leftover lamb shanks. I spent several hours last night laying with steamy cloths over my face and it almost completely broke up the sinus infection! I’m probably at 80% today :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:. I considered working out, but decided to give it one more day. Sleep last night again was NyQuil sleep, so not worth noting.

(Linda ) #39

(Judy Thompson) #40

Really glad you said that. For my meal at 1 pm I had a POUND of salmon filet and a patty of grass fed burger. That was a lot to eat! Probably won’t need anything else till tomorrow.