Feb. 2019 Weight Maintenance Check-in


How are all the Maintenance Crew members getting along?

Hopefully, the holidays are just a memory by now and any lbs. that found you, have been lost.

I have been testing out some times eating windows, slightly different than IFing, Dr Satchin Panda has done a lot of work in that area. While I am not a mouse, I do think some of his findings might be helpful.
So far this week, it seems to be keeping me in a tighter weight range, not so bouncy. I’m liking that. I am however eating much earlier than before, finishing around 5 PM instead of 7ish like before. Only big bounce this week was me drinking about a half bottle of white wine with an early dinner, won’t do that one again. (We had something to celebrate :slight_smile: )

(Trudy) #2

Weight 1st Feb 66.9kg, new goal weight 67kg (down from 70kg). I wish half a bottle of wine was a celebration for me but more a normality. Walking 4 or so km a day, doing well aside from the higher than desireable fermented grape intake.

Thanks for posting this thread.

(Pete A) #3

Starting off the month holding below 145 (since last Spring). I’ve gone through a couple of weeks weighing myself more often than usual and have to say there’s a 5 pounds up 5 pounds down thing going on, which I’ve decided is normal haha I still leave “space” for muscle gain, as February is my one year anniversary since adding lifting weights, and when I plan to increase the weight I’m lifting, in addition to continuing hiking/walking (up to 6 hours per week) and the calisthenics, yoga, aerobics (20-40 minutes per day).

A couple of sugar binges over the holidays/Jan, but keto’d on pretty easily.

If it ain’t broke!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #4

110 and wouldn’t mind gaining a few. I think I’m holding so low because a few days a week turn out to be carnivore.


Gaining a few, something not heard around here very often. But I get it. My DH struggles to stay at his perferred weight, he keeps dropping lower. As he is T2D, he can’t just eat cake and ice cream except the keto varieties. With added starch and sugar, it is hard for him.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #6

I know I’m not making myself very popular around here by saying that. :rofl:. But I’m obviously not going to quit keto. Probably upping the nuts and nut butters should do it!


That seems to be the only thing that puts on weight for my husband successfully.

(Dee) #8

I’m holding steady at 173. Which is 4 lbs down since December.

I seem to have more of an appetite or I’m ignoring my satiety signals. All Keto meat and veggies. I’ve indulged in chocolate mug cakes and nuts more than I probably should lately.

I mentally stop myself from fasting past 24 hours. I’m not sure why as I never seem to actually be hungry. I want to try 36 hour fasts a couple times a week for autophagy. Loose skin is present and stubborn.


Hey Maintainers!

Checking in. Missed january’s Check in. :smirk:

Still working on the “intentional eating”. Making very slow progress on that; but old habits are hard to change.

I was doing a lot of OMAD and i had been trying to keep protein minimal/ moderate and exercising a lot. I felt like I was overtraining/wearing down- so i lightened up the exercising and added protein back. I felt like i May have been restricting some(maybe my minds playing tricks on me- lol). Anyway, I’ve let my weight to come up about 5 lbs. surprisingly eating more and eating a few more carbs, I’m feeling pretty good. My main concern has always been blood sugar control; and that has been just fine lately. So I’m gonna continue fine tuning this diet. After doing keto for a year and a half i can’t imagine ever going back to a standard diet. It’s reassuring to me that i can always get back to strict keto to control blood sugar and weight pretty much at will. I realize we all have different reasons for doing keto and maintainamce is not always easy- so good luck all on ketoing on!!:grinning:

(KCKO, KCFO) #10

I think it is just good to mix it up from time to time, sounds like what you are doing. As long as you get the your desired results, it is all good.