“Fasting” 🙄

(What The Fast?!) #1

Saw a sign for fasting at my gym tonight and stopped in my tracks. …Could it be?!

Nope. Definitely not. :roll_eyes:
My favorite is point #4

(jilliangordona) #2

Is there a picture? Its not popping up for me


Ha! that’s funny.

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #4

How disappointing…Basically a sales tool for some SHIT drink

(jilliangordona) #5

I see it now! ugh.

(Jessica) #6

I think I lost some brain cells reading that. At least it was exciting (!) :wink:

(migorstmarseille) #7

The use of “Splain” and “sked” killed it for me before I got to anything else.
