Fasting helped break the cycle of binge eating for me and normalized my blood glucose

(April Harkness) #1

I actually first found out about fasting in 2012. I just had a baby and wanted to lose the weight. Prior to my baby I was a binge eater. It all started with bikini and figure competitions where I was told to eat 5 to 6 times a day to keep my “metabolism burning.” What a load of shit. Before I did bikini and figure I ate 3 times a day only, barely snacked and never had a weight problem. After a bikini/figure comp my new appetite was now TRAINED to be hungry 6 times a damn day. Due to this my appetite grew and grew. I would eat 3-4 tubs of frosting a night.I then would overexercise it off. People thought I was dedicated. I was not. I was sick.I was trying to hide the effects of being a binge eater. I even went vegetarian and then full on fruitarian to try to find the diet that would work. I remember eating dozens of bananas late at night plus a box of dates and still not being full. I ran almost 10 miles the next day to undo the damage. Then I found a workout plan called the Venus Index that promoted Brad Pilon’s book-Eat Stop Eat. While I was never good with 24 hr fasts once to twice a week it did, introduce me to the concept of fasting for weight loss, and I found a way of fasting that was more suited to me- leangains, 16:8 style. I loved it. The weight came off! And most importantly-my binge eating ENDED! After it came off and my binge eating was under control, I went back to 3 meals a day and maintained with a normal 12:12 window. Until…one year ago when I was put on a medication that came with a black box warning that it may cause diabetes! My fasting blood sugar soared from the 70’s to the 110’s and sometimes the 120’s. In two months I went from 120 lbs to 148. TWO MONTHS! The med did increase my appetite somewhat and I noticed I was eating more , but not near enough to put on that much weight. I realized this med was making me insulin resistant. I stopped the med. Weight still didn’t come off. Enter 16:8, the tool i used to fight binge eating. Now I was using fasting not just for weight loss, but to combat the metabolic damage this medication had done to me. The weight started coming off. Slowly but surely. Enter KETO combined with fasting. The weight was dropping off in a mere matter of weeks. My sugars were improving. I now found that I could fast longer when I combined keto with fasting. 16:8 became easy peasy. I could now go to 20, sometimes 21 hours of fasting(still can’t do 24 but I will keep truckin!). Thanks to fasting,my blood glucose is now normal! Success.


Amazing!! congratulations, and thanks for sharing your story.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #3

That’s awesome news April, and you look fantastic :slight_smile: