Fasting failure

(Christopher Bingel) #1

Kinda bummed. Tried to do my first extended fast today. I did 24 hours last week, and it went pretty well. Lost 4 net pounds and felt great. Tried to go to 48 hours and petered out around 40. I was supplementing electrolytes, salt on the tongue, broth, and it was fine. But this afternoon, I hit a wall. Hunger spiked and wouldn’t go away, and I got really cold. I usually run pretty hot, but I went to sit outside in the mid 90s, and was still chilly. I went and had a salad with eggs, tuna, and cheese, and leveled out.

Just kinda frustrated…


Don’t be frustrated! You still fasted for 40 hours. That is awesome! Each fast will get a bit easier. If something doesn’t feel right during a fast, always listen to your body. There are others that can say this much better than I. You’re doing great!


Hey, it happens. I have started 3 day fasts that ended after about 30 hrs. plenty of times.

If your hands/feet feel cold, that is a good sign you need to stop fasting. We need to pay attention to our bodies signals when fasting.

I love fasting, it has been very very good to me. But I have learned, what I think I want to do and what my body wants are two different things. Especially since I don’t have all that excess fat on my body. The leaner you get the more you need to do a fat fast and supplement the fat that your body can’t take from itself anymore.

(Sonia A.) #4

You shouldn’t think of it as a failure. You still made progress, you went from 24 to 40 hours. That’s an accomplishment in and of itself. And it seems like it’s your second fast, so you should be proud of yourself. Congratulations :clap: and don’t worry, it will become easier. Like Jimmy Moore says, you need to exercise your fasting muscle.


Hang in there, the worst wall I’ve hit has been at about hour 40-42 more than a few times.