Fasting and hair loss


Many meals are still the only way for some people. I see no problem with that if it’s not annoying to the one in question (and even it is, it can be the best way as it is for me on those troublesome days where I get satiated with a few bites. thankfully it doesn’t seem to happen anymore and it only happened on carnivore. plant carbs make me too hungry so I only need 1-2 bigger meals).
Many tiny meals doesn’t mean the fasting window isn’t “big” as I wrote… Eating all day long does seem a bad idea but if someone is starving to death without it, it’s still the best. I can’t imagine being full for hours with 200-300 kcal but apparently, some people works like that… There are other special conditions where one needs to eat all the time. So if there are no better ways to feed, it still a valid one. If there are other ways, I don’t know, I would try to do whatever feels/seem best, people are too different, I can’t tell if what is good for them in general and I am sure no one can as there isn’t a thing. Eating all day due to eating the wrong, hunger-inducing food (something way too many people do nowadays) is surely wrong and unhealthy but beyond that? Timing is highly individual and the most important thing is getting the necessary nutrients.

Where did 6 come from? There is 5 in my country, that already sounds very weird to me except for little kids… Isn’t 3 is the norm for most people, since ages…? Well for the ones who are able to eat decent sized meals but looking at eateries here, Hungarians can eat, they rarely need 5 meals for sure… And often when I see examples for the 2 little meals, it’s so ridiculous… If it works for someone, fine but it’s in the official guidelines!!! Adults eating 5 more or less small meals. Why? Many adults can’t even eat so often due to their work and it’s not a problem… My SO has 3 meals (sometimes 2) as he needs much energy and bigger meals. Surely some people need 4-5-6 bigger meals a day, that’s a special case. But 3 main and 2 little ones for everyone in general…? Seems very odd, humans don’t need eating so often and they mostly didn’t do that during history as there wasn’t a need…

Many people are like this, I imagine many bodies have this “just woke up, natural fasting time” thing. I have too but mine lasts until 2-4pm, usually… It doesn’t matter when I wake up, I get hungry mostly according to the time of the day, apparently. My SO has an early breakfast but it still must be 1-2 hours after waking, not immediately. But some people wake up hungry. I can’t even imagine, I am always very well satiated after waking, I like this.

It’s quite individual, indeed and muscles make a huge difference, obviously. My SO is 5’9", he would be very fat at 180 (he never weighed nearly that much and he had weight problems since childhood, he gains fat very easily), he definitely starts skipping dinner above 152 as he can’t handle his fat belly (fat goes there first for him) and his ideal (still far from dry) is around 140 but that’s too much suffering… He was a fat kid at 167 but his musculature was minimal at that point, now he has muscled legs if nothing else…
I think some upper body muscles would do him good but it’s up to him, obviously. Sometimes he gets tempted when he sees me lifting. He may complain about the weights but he usually can lift what I can but that’s it. And I am weak so yeah, he is weak (it probably could change a lot with a fragment of the effort I put in but he isn’t interested). But he is healthy so there is that. (But it’s healthier to be stronger.)
Recommended weights are stupid. I can’t comprehend how ANYONE looks at a muscular, lean person and tells them they should lose weight. Let alone a doctor os something. I would lose all trust in such a person.

(Joey) #22

@kib1 Thanks - I found the underlying study itself to be interesting.

I wasn’t compelled much by the shaved mice at first (not knowing what they were fed and how long the fasting periods were, etc.) But when some results were reported for humans following an 18-6 (equal-caloric) feeding regime, it began to pique my interest…

I would like to know what kind of diet the humans were eating during their feeding window? (Perhaps it was disclosed and I missed it). If it were the low-carb kind of feeding - with ample protein and fat without the inflammatory carbs - then I’d find the slower hair regrowth to be even more compelling as a finding. Increased apoptosis certainly makes sense as a potential factor.

The fact is that many folks changing their diets in any number of ways experience hair and nail growth changes - notwithstanding different people have different reactions to IF and macro-nutrient mix given different starting points, gut biomes, etc. - suggests this is not a topic to ignore for those with specific concerns.

Interesting stuff.


Haha, ya it’s pretty insane how different people wear it differently. I got a buddy who’s also 5’10", he weighs around 180, with me usually floating somewhere around 210, we’re both somewhere around 10%BF give or take, haven’t had a DEXA in a while, he looks like he has 20lbs of muscle vs me, I literally have more muscle mass on me than he has total body weight, and yet that! Hate that guy :rofl:

While I’ve been lifting for 20+yrs now, what really got me serious about it again minus liking the gym and the look, was the insane health, longevity and anti-aging benefits of it. As I get older, I don’t need to be the guy who has some insignificant slip, breaks a hip and dies in the hospital of pneumonia. I want to live a long time and I’m actively doing things to achieve that, but I also want to hold onto quality of life, muscle it the best way to achieve that.

(Dan VanDeRiet) #24

There is also something called telogen effluvium. This is a condition of hair loss that occurs several months after a stressful condition—can happen after a big surgery, a serious illness, having a baby, and in some people after a significant dietary change. This usually resolves in several months on its own.

Ps—Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:


Maybe the fake main stream media news in bed with (bloodline brother hood) Big Pharmer (Rockerfella family foundation) are tying to scarmonguess everyone that something healthy like fasting is now bad for you (so you can make you as sick as possible then make money out of it (CovidHoax springs to mind))

From the study of mouse hair growth that you have posted a link to, surgesting that hair growth was slower for fasting mouse then non moues. But to me it surgest to me that the aging process is slower for fasters then non fasters. Given the fact that since every time that you eat you lower your growth hormone (The growth hormone that makes you live longer)


metabolic slowdown in people, surly in simple terms you dont mean metaboliclly ageing do you? Then if this where the case; then your hair loss would take longer to happen by way of fasting, as opposed to most people on 3 meals a day would happen faster. Right?


No, metabolic slowdown meaning metabolism (as in nutrition, not overall) lowering from fasting). Doing some serious deep diving into hairloss problems over the years I don’t see a ton to link aging to hairloss, not as a causal thing. I literally probably see more guys in their 20’s-30’s with hairloss problems than I do the old guys. We’re just more unhealthy. I think we put WAY too much stock into taking things as a given and blaming it on age. I was told by my derm that I could “slow down but not stop” my thinning, ya, fixed that, and reversed all my grays! I’ve slacked on that the last 2yrs or so, so going back at that, but it held for a while!