Facebook NSV


I was listening to the rebroadcast of the 2 Keto Dudes Podcast, "Starting Keto", the other day.

At about 20 minutes in, the mail segment, they read a Facebook comment from “John” that mentioned how his computer’s Windows Hello couldn’t recognize his face anymore, because he had lost so much weight.

This reminded me of a NSV I had of my own, even though I didn’t realize it at the time.


Every year we go to a local amusement park, and they have a ski-lift ride we always take. This passed summer, we went to the park, got on the ride, and I told my daughter we had to take our “obligatory” selfie.

I was later going thorough some old photographs, and found another picture I took of us back in 2005. I put the two photos together, and posted them on Facebook.


Facebook’s facial recognition, tagged the photo on the right as Darren Conway, but couldn’t recognize me from the photo on the left.

Darren Conway

Who’s This?

(Jessica) #2

Love it! You do look like a totally different guy!



Some of it’s due to the grey hair. :laughing:

(Bob M) #4

That is an impressive weight loss! I can see the trouble, as you now have a thin face.


Thanks, Bob!

Keto’s been good to me. :+1:


Also very sweet to see your daughter at the two ages :slight_smile:

(Mike Glasbrener) #7

You look great! I love the before and after photos! You must feel great too!


I thought so, too. Thanks!

I do, except when I slip and eat too many carbs! :woozy_face:

(Mike Glasbrener) #9

I do, except when I slip and eat too many carbs! :woozy_face:

Same here.


Funny! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #11

That’s awesome Darren!

(Running from stupidity) #12

I’d have followed that instruction and typed “Donald Trump,” but I can be mean like that…

Also, #rangawarning


Not enough hair plugs in that head to fool Facebook. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Between my bald head and graying beard, I don’t think that applies anymore. :wink:

(Running from stupidity) #15

DUDE! Look to your right!



Well, I thought that was pretty obvious. Didn’t require a warning. :grin:

But I do keep learning ALL KINDS of new words, following you. :laughing: :laughing:


(Running from stupidity) #17

Yeah, journalist donchaknow :slight_smile: