F*CK your "diabetic" eye check!

(Richard Morris) #21

I believe there is a special case for Zero carb … or diets approaching zero carbs, where you get to use more protein to make glucose. Normally we need to make 80g of glucose and we can make that from 20g of protein.

Someone eating 20g of carbs a day, only need to make another 60g so their requirement of protein drops to 15g.

Someone eating 40g of carbs a day, only need to make another 40g so their requirement of protein drops to 10g.

Of course that’s just protein to make glucose, you’d still need your minimum required for protein turnover - but at 3g you are probably OK there :slight_smile:

(What The Fast?!) #22

Thanks for that explanation. I’m going to start adding some non ZC things in and test how I feel with different foods.

@Brenda where’s the thread where you tested all those foods after your steak challenge? I wanted to see how you tested each food.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #23

Sadly I didn’t do the food testing for long, as 30 days of only beef steak made me insane. Lol. I needed to stop the severe restriction. The idea to test everything was a great plan in theory, but psychologically proved difficult.

I believe I tested a few things. I don’t remember.

(Jessika Nilsson) #24

There are supposed to be natural ways of increasing stomach acid and supplements which are ketogenic friendly :slight_smile:

(What The Fast?!) #25

Thanks. I’m doing all those things! I started a couple weeks ago. I’m up to a ridiculously high number of HCL pills.

(Jessika Nilsson) #26

I was just happy to have recently read something I thought could help, especially as it said that the supplements and the ACV was supposed to help support the body, and that after a while you would be able to start dialling them down because the body would get used to producing the required acid itself.
Sorry that I wasn’t able to provide any new ideas for you and I really hope that you will find out what’s causing the low stomach acid :crossed_fingers:

(What The Fast?!) #27

Thanks girl!!! The confirmation helps, believe me!

(What The Fast?!) #28

@brenda - what do you consider a significant spike in BG? I had bacon and eggs this morning and wanted to test olive oil. My BG was 83, T:30 99, T60 106, T120 98.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #29

For me personally? More than 20 points.
That’s my number.

I have no idea what medically is considered significant. Certainly 50 or 100 is.

Test meters and strips absolutely can be 10 to 15 points off reading to reading, so those numbers I ignore.

(What The Fast?!) #30

Alright cool, I’ll consider EVOO safe. :slight_smile:
Next up…CHEESE!!! Or maybe HWC.
I can see why you didn’t last long with this testing - now that I’m adding foods back in, I want ALL THE FOOD. Also, restricting protein is making it difficult to eat enough since there aren’t many fatty foods I can eat just yet (because I want to test them first). …now I can see why OMAD make sense. If you can only eat 60g of protein a day, I’d rather eat a big ole steak than try to portion out smaller protein throughout the day.

(christa) #31

YESSSSS! Rock on, Brenda.

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #32

I had been going to suggest ACV with some sea-salt or Himalayan salt mixed in (for the Chloride ions), and salt is good in any case on a keto diet.

(What The Fast?!) #33

Yep, I do both of those things as well.