Exercise fatigue

(Candy Lind) #21

@charlie3 I totally agree with this! I’ve always had borderline low BP and I really have to stay on top of my water and electrolytes, especially salt (because it regulates Potassium & Magnesium). If you have low BP & get dehydrated, your low blood volume makes you feel like shit & makes your heart rate go up. I know when I feel bad to take a salt tab & chug a bunch of water. Nearly immediate relief. Life will be much easier when you figure out how much water & salt you need for your n=1. Most people need 4-5 grams of salt per day (that left me gobsmacked at first, but I really do need about 4 and usually have to take a salt tab to accomplish it).

(Candy Lind) #22

If you’re eating plenty of high-potassium foods, don’t sweat potassium. With enough salt, your body STORES potassium, so you can get too much. It’s easy to OD on potassium and the symptoms are heart-related & very scary.

If you want to add small amounts, use lite salt occasionally or try drinking keto-aide.

(charlie3) #23

Cronometer says government sources recommend 4600 mg daily potassium. I’m getting half that. Presumably 4600 mg daily is safe so I’d like to get that and see if it makes any difference. My symptoms match up to potassium deficiency but the list could apply to a thousand other things. In the mean time my best guess is my symptoms are about a deficiency of something.