Ethan's Ramadan Fasting Thread (Carnivore)


(Karim Wassef) #21

I experienced the same but it’s just that there is substantially less waste with animal products.

Our digestion is optimized to maximize absorption and we need much less of it with nothing to ferment in the gut.

There should be a normal flow of dead tissue (from our own body), particularly old red blood cells but the volume is substantially less. I take Mg supplements just to keep the machine going.

(Ethan) #22

I am only supplementing D3 and K2 right now. I worry about messing around with K and Mg. My machine isn’t really moving at all, but it isn’t bothering me either. I had those few onion pieces the other day, and they went through me though. It’s all very confusing.


So I’m not here to get into these debates. I’m only sharing my experience and asking a few questions to learn about others’ experiences. Thank you for sharing yours.

(Karim Wassef) #24

Potassium and Magnesium drop on keto and carnivore because insulin drops causing a diuretic effect. You lose water and electrolytes.

I find that supplementation helps maintain my mood, digestion and energy. Sodium I get from salt, but K and Mg are more difficult to get adequately.

I also supplement iodine and zinc/copper. The minerals I don’t supplement are calcium and iron since I find those to be abundant (and sometimes in excess).

(Ethan) #25

I take losartan potassium, so likely do not need to supplement potassium. How much magnesium is right to start with?


I have taken off from work this week which I do every year. It just feel good to do all my day to day Ramadan rituals during this month.
So at sahoor I had 2 pasture eggs fried in coconut oil.1 slice of Keto bread with hazelnut butter spread and half avocado and off course water. I don’t do coffee in Ramadan.
My iftar was cauliflower mash mix with fried onion in grass fed ghee. Beaf masala and a smoothly I made with coconut milk, manna, flex seed, pecans and some berries and off course water. That’s all I had today.


Sorry I forgot to add. In my mash I also had Italian Parmigiano-Reggiano grated cheese.

(Karim Wassef) #28

I started with 500mg Mg. The only negative side effect for some people is that it could cause diarrhea so go slow.

(Ethan) #29

They let you get a week off work? I don’t get so lucky ha!

(Ethan) #30

I took 75 mg last night and had some pretty strange sleep.


I have the same regime. I take 400 mg every morning. I think my body is handling it pretty well now. With iftar I also add cacao powder 1 tb in my smoothly or in my microwave Keto mug muffin.


I have a great team. We support each other :slight_smile:

(Karim Wassef) #33

I do the same with raw cacao powder. Excellent for mitochondria.


AKA the best cheese

(Ethan) #35

Day 8:

Time asleep: 11:10 pm
Wake-up time: 2:40 am
Morning weight: 203.6 lbs
Sahoor meal: eggs, lamb leg, coffee, tea, water
Fast begin time: 4:25 am
Fast end time: 8:13 pm
Iftar Meal: lamb leg, salmon, water, peppermint tea

My app says I woke up at 2:40 am, but I don’t think it is right. I think I was half-wake and tossing and turning. In any case, I was somehow unable to really take much a nap anyway when I got home from work. I just napped about 20 minutes. My weight didn’t go down, so maybe it has leveled off. I started getting a bit of nausea during the day. Despite being carnivore for 6 weeks without issues, I am feeling like I may be a bit constipated now. My carnivore support group says it is completely normal to just go less often, but I am not sure. It’s taken this long to have any issue–and my issue isn’t painful or even uncomfortable. So perhaps its an electrolyte deficiency. I will take a little magnesium tonight to help with the sleep and maybe it will help with the bathroom, too, in a few days.



(Ethan) #36

Day 9:

Time asleep: 11:10 pm
Wake-up time: 3:00 am
Morning weight: 203.4 lbs
Midday weight: 201.2 lbs
Sahoor meal: eggs, chicken livers, coffee, tea, water
Fast begin time: 4:24 am
Fast end time: 8:15 pm
Iftar Meal: lamb, steak, peppermint tea, water

It was another night of very little sleep. Morning started off ok. I enjoyed my sahoor when I realized I hadn’t taken my medications yet! Luckily, I had a couple minutes to spare until the fast had to begin, and I made the deadline. I had a lot of work to do in the daytime. When I got home, I was exhausted. I slept for 2 hours, and it helped, but my body hurts from the poor and broken sleep. Iftar was good. I feel less bloated–or at least more comfortable–maybe the magnesium? Also, I noticed a new weight pattern. Normally, my lowest weight is right at in the morning. (Interestingly, the opposite is true for my lowest detected body fat percent.) However, I have been getting readings that are not decreasing from morning to morning. I thought I had stopped losing weight, but a midday hop on the scale showed my lowest value since 2013: 201.2lbs! Maybe I am still losing weight.



(Ethan) #37

Day 10:

Time asleep: 10:40 pm
Wake-up time: 3:10 am
Morning weight: 202.6 lbs
Midday weight: 201.3 lbs
Sahoor meal: eggs, chicken livers, coffee, tea, water
Fast begin time: 4:24 am
Fast end time: 8:15 pm
Iftar Meal: lamb, eggs, sardines, peppermint tea, water

I seem to be waking up early–before my alarm–and then halfway resting until 3:30am. It’s making staying awake much harder. I could not nap today either after work. I did get a 30-minute nap in the car though before I had to make a presentation. I needed that badly. After work, I had a doctor appointment and then took my son to karate and went to the tailor to have some clothes taken in. Clothes I had custom made-to-measure between March 2018 and March 2019 fit too loosely. Again, my body weight seemed somewhat stable in the new patten.



(Ethan) #38

Day 11:

Time asleep: 10:43 pm
Wake-up time: 3:23 am
Morning weight: 202.3 lbs
Midday weight: 198.9 lbs
Sahoor meal: eggs, coffee, tea, water
Fast begin time: 4:23 am
Fast end time: 8:16 pm
Iftar Meal: lamb, chicken livers, peppermint tea, water

Otherwise a normal day, today marked a big milestone! While I woke up at 202.3 lbs, I weighed in at 198.9 lbs in the evening. This is the first time in ONDERLAND since 2013! While I fully expect to cross back above 200 lbs again tomorrow morning and perhaps for a while fluctuate over and under it, the victory feels savory nonetheless!

Weight loss over time (initial keto drop, keto stall, carnivore drop):



(Ethan) #39

Day 12:

Time asleep: 11:20 pm
Wake-up time: 3:20 am
Morning weight: 201.9 lbs
Midday weight; 200.5 lbs
Sahoor meal: Chicken wings, eggs, coffee, tea, water
Fast begin time: 4:23 am
Fast end time: 8:17 pm
Iftar Meal: chicken wings, salmon skin, old bay seafood soup, peppermint tea, water

I haven’t been good at keeping up; it has been very busy. I am preparing for an annual audit at work, and Ramadan makes that harder. The day was pretty smooth though. Things are going well, though I am very tired often and need to take several naps.



(Ethan) #40

Day 13:

Time asleep: 11:04 pm
Wake-up time: 3:14 am
Morning weight: 201.6 lbs
Midday weight; 200.5 lbs
Sahoor meal: hamburger, eggs, coffee, tea, water
Fast begin time: 4:23 am
Fast end time: 8:17 pm
Iftar Meal: roast duck, hamburger, peppermint tea, water

I didn’t get to really nap today. I ran errands. My weight loss has been profound enough that I had to take all my suits, jackets, sport coats, and pants to the tailor for adjustments. These are all made-to-measure (even jeans), and it is bittersweet to see them get adjusted. Last year, when my weight stabilized, I had a bunch of clothes made. Now they don’t fit. My son got his red belt at karate today, too! So congrats to him!

