Episode 8: Travel

(Richard Morris) #1

Originally published at: http://live-ketofamilypodcast.pantheonsite.io/episode-8-travel/

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Keto at home is one thing, but Keto on the road? Quite another. Karen and Mark talk about their strategies for vacations, road trips, and visiting in this travel episode. What are the best snacks to pack? The best ways keep your fat intake where you want it? (Hint: Butter features prominently). 
Listen and let us know how you travel Keto!




Keto Kids
Snack Packs! If you are on the go and want to keep your energy high and your brain firing on all cylinders, you are going to want a Keto Snack Pack with you on your journey. Let’s talk about how to pack it. Come on, Vamanos!

Check out this episode!

(Jacob Wagner) #2

I would love to listen to this. Is the podcast archived somewhere?


(Polly) #3

If you hit the banner at the top of the page it will take you to the podcasts. They are all archived under the episodes tab here

(Jacob Wagner) #4

I know about the 2 Keto Dudes podcast and have listened to it all at least twice.

My question was about the Keto Kids podcast that Carl produced. It seems to be not only ended but removed as well.
