Episode #61 - Metabolic Rate


Yeah…exactly! That’s like kicking the keto wedge out from underneath the big rock, having it roll back and run me over!

(Barbara Greenwood) #16

I’m just listening to this now, and Richard has just explained about beta cells being damaged/destroyed whenever BG ius above 6mmol, and regenerating when BG is below 6mmol.

Does this mean that, even after longstanding T2, if you manage to keep BG below 6.0 the majority of the time, that your beta cell mass can recover and increase?

(Cathy) #17

Thank you so much for this very informative podcast. It happens to be very timely for me. I listened to the podcast in which Megan R. talked about mixing things up. I tend to stick to one thing and this has not worked well for me. Looking forward to really mixing things up and getting some good results!

I also appreciated the study sited. The science needs to make at least ‘some’ sense and that provided it for me.


Great episode. So cool to hear about the fasting and feeding regimen! FYI, I think fanclub.2ketodudes.com was mentioned as the URL to go to to join, but that doesn’t work for me. Maybe I was doing something wrong. I do see the link from the main 2ketodudes.com page. :slight_smile:

(Carl Franklin) #19

Hey Theresa, it’s http://fanclub.2keto.com


(Kel Ta) #20

I think this is the missing link and explains my questions about BMR over on the CICO discussion! Although weight loss isn’t my goal I have been trying to explain to myself why on days where I will not eat as much I will wake up super lean the following day. I am VLC and often ZC to manage a gut dysbiosis. But I am concerned about my BMR and wanted to make sure that my periodic reduction in calories wasn’t dropping my BMR!

But I am hoping @richard and @carl will make a clear outline how to cycle through the feast and fast method to keep building the BMR. Is there a specific science to this? on days of feasting are you still doing a 18:6 or 16:8 eating window? Can someone explain the details?! Thank you!

(carl) #21

On my feasting days I eat 2 meals no more than 8 hours apart. I just jumped in and gave it a shot. Seems to work.

(Kel Ta) #22

How much more are you eating on feasting days vs fasting days? And how many days do you fast or keep btw each feasting day?thankyou!

(carl) #23

I eat nothing on fasting days. On feasting days I eat as much as I want, as much as I can stand, as close to zero carb as possible.

I’ve done 3 days fasted followed by 4 days feasting. During feasting days I don’t gain any weight. It flies off me when I’m fasting.

When fasting I only drink black coffee, water, seltzer water, hot bone broth, and hot salty water.

This is really just IF, except that on feasting days you kick it up a notch from what you’re used to eating.

Hope that helps.

(Kel Ta) #24

its great! So you are pretty close to ZC most of the time then?

(Kel Ta) #25

thank you for taking the time to break it down! This is exactly what I have been trying to figure out! Thank you!

(carl) #26

Yes. I eat cheese, and if I have a salad it’s drenched in blue cheese dressing, which has sour cream and mayo. I don’t worry about the incidentals too much. I also eat macadamia nuts and have an occasional glass of red wine. I’ve eaten butter-poached cheeseburgers, ribeyes, bacon, eggs, butter, and the like. You know. Real food. :slight_smile:

(Keto in Katy) #27

Same here. By “occasional” I mean every single night without exception.

(Barbara Greenwood) #28

When I stared keto, the urge to snack pretty much went away. Well, actually after about 5-6 weeks I guess when I was keto adapted? And I stared skipping breakfast, so two meals a day, about 6-7 hours apart.

But then evening snacking came back - sometimes just one snack, sometimes more evening grazing. But with the breakfast skipping, still a 15 hour fast each day.

I just decided I need to knock the grazing on the head, and have a longer fasting period… but I guess this info means I might do better if I make sure my meals are BIG, rather than listen to that siren voice which says, eat less, you’ll lose more weight.

(Jessica) #29

I’ve had that problem when I was calorie counting + IF, too.
First I justified it like “well… I’ve got X many grams of fat left, so I can have Y”. One snack lead to another. So whenever this happened, I gained weight. Even though the snacks were keto foods, still affected insulin.

Now, having had big meals and not caring about calories anymore, I didn’t feel the urge to snack or “treat” myself with food.

Still curious, how this works when daily IF.
I’d really just up the meals until you found the right amount to get you through without snacks.

(Barbara Greenwood) #30

I think it’s easy to get into thinking that you’re eating too much at meal times if you end up still feeling full at bedtime (without snacks). So you dial back a bit on the meals… but maybe that was a mistake.

I lost at a good rate for six months, but have been essentially static for the last three. It would be good to find the right thing to tweak to get things moving again, as BMI still above 35.

Blood sugars are good, though :slight_smile:

(Kel Ta) #31

Something else for the ladies to include in their consideration is this study (small N and old) but still poss relevant to changes in BMR https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7124662

Basal metabolic rate varied significantly with the menstrual cycle. Basal metabolic rate decreased at menstruation and fell to its lowest point approximately 1 wk before ovulation subsequently rising until the beginning of the next menstrual period.

(What The Fast?!) #32

Great show!! I’ve done IIFYM for 12 weeks and had zero results…my coach actually accused me of lying in my food journal. Speaking of food journal…I was following another keto group - and they are nuts about macros. I’ve been documenting everything and think that the added stress of trying to stay within those exact targets is worse than just eating to satiation and avoiding carbs, but I digress…

Question on fasting for @carl : do you think this would work with a 24 hour fast as well? I’ve never done a fast before (I’m only a few weeks in), so I’d like to start out with a short one.

(Dustin) #33

I really want to say thank you for episode 61, and the “switch it up” episode. I think it is EXACTLY what i needed!

16:8 /14:10 followed by 24 hour fast
(Nick) #34

Me too and carrying s bag of salt/ white powder through customs is generally never a good idea.