Episode 6: Cheating

(Richard Morris) #1

Originally published at: http://live-ketofamilypodcast.pantheonsite.io/episode-6-cheating/

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It happens. Sometimes it happens because you want it to, sometimes it happens because of what is available to you, sometimes it happens mindlessly - but you know what is worse than “cheating”? carrying shame about it and letting it define you. Come on kids, there is no cheating, only choices. So, let’s talk about how to cheat mindfully and how to move forward positively. 

Recipe: Keto Pancakes
Keto Kids 
Let’s talk about what happens when you put some not-so-keto foods into your body. Maybe you had fries with a burger, or pizza at a celebration. Now what? Now we go on making good choices and forgiving ourselves, that’s what!

Check out this episode!