Episode 4: Celebrating Holidays!

(Richard Morris) #1

Originally published at: http://live-ketofamilypodcast.pantheonsite.io/episode-4-celebrating-holidays/

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Celebrating is fun. Holidays and traditions are important.  But, they can also be a challenge when we are trying to take care of ourselves. In this show, Karen and Mark talk about rethinking the way we mark milestones and honor ceremonies. 

Let’s brainstorm about fun things to do and different ways to incorporate food and treats into our merrymaking!



Recipe Pumpkin Whoopie Pies


Keto Kids

Food is fun and holiday food can be even more fun. 

We have two classic Keto recipes that can be altered for any time of year, and any event. What can you do to these to make them right for your holiday?

Check out this episode!