Episode 11: The Reluctant Ketonian

(Richard Morris) #1

Originally published at: http://live-ketofamilypodcast.pantheonsite.io/episode-11-the-reluctant-ketonian/

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This week, Karen and Mark interview their 16 year old daughter who was not too thrilled when Keto came
to town. Three years later, she is at peace with it and recognizes the positives in herself and her family. 

Keto Food Tip: Keto French toast 

5 ingredient bagels return as the star  of this dish
Bring the bagels to just beyond undercooked, then cut them into strips, dip in cinnamon and egg and fry in butter if you are Karen.
Fry in butter THEN sprinkle with cinnamon if you are Mark. 
Let us know which you like more!

Check out this episode!