Elderly & Resistance Training

(Denise) #101

Yes I have Edie, so I shouldn’t complain. I know I’ve taken it slow adding on weight, but from where I started at 10 lbs, I was up to 30 on upper body things, and on my lower body I got to 65 or more. I am stronger so that’s really the main thing isn’t it. I want to build up my immune system with my diet, and a few supplements I do feel I need (to at least try).

Good to see you, I am working at that allergy thing (may be histamine intolerance)as well because it makes me feel so tired some days.

(Robin) #102

I’m thin now too, and still row daily. If I purposefully flex certain arm and leg muscles, I can see them. I guess I don’t care about visible muscles…?
I know you have to be at least as strong as I am.
I guess I am satisfied with coasting along at this point. I see nothing wrong with being thin/skinny as long as you are strong enough physically.

(Denise) #103

I am about the same as far as muscle “showing” only when I flex mostly. I think it’s mental on my part because I was called names when I was little like bird-legs & toothpick :joy: I can laugh about that now. But I’m pretty vain to be honest. I don’t worry about some things like makeup but that’s mainly because I can’t do my eye makeup easily because of tremor. I just keep accepting things that come along with either age or just my health (any of it I can’t control with diet and exercise).

I think you are doing excellent to keep up your rowing machine. It’s not really about “what” our choice of exercise is, it’s how consistent we are and I am only learning that these last few years :wink: Kudos to you girlfriend:trophy::rowing_woman: