Eating Eggs Associated with Reduced Heart Disease & Stroke

(Nimitta) #1

Probably not a surprise to most keto people, but another big study showing the benefits of dietary fats"

"People who said they ate eggs daily had an 11% lower risk of heart disease, and an 18% lower risk of dying from heart disease during the study period compared to people who did not eat eggs. The benefit seemed to be strongest for stroke; daily egg-eaters had a 26% lower risk of bleeding-related stroke and a 10% lower risk of clot-based stroke.

The results add to the shifting thinking about the health benefits of eggs, and of cholesterol and fat in the diet in general."

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

This study has now been mentioned in at least four different threads. Admins, can we consolidate, please?

(Jane) #3

I am 59 and never stopped eating eggs and butter, even when considered evil and unhealthy for the past 3 decades!!