Dxa scan analysis

(In a #ketomarriage with @peggaloon) #21

Also, well done!!! What was your body fat percentage? Called lean by a Dr is the biggest win of all time!

(eschor) #22

you are amazing., i’m not even close to your level. but, congrats and keep going, blessings


No fatty liver on you. Excellent!

(Carol O'Carroll) #24

Just had my first dexa scan after a year on low carb/10 months in keto. At 52 I have the bone density of a woman 30 years younger. My BMI fat mass should be in the 40-45% range, but I am at 34%. Total weight is 79kgs. Smashed it! Lean mass happened with little exercise. BMI still has me at obese but this confirms I am now in a healthy range. NSV victory.

(Charles Werner) #25

I am looking for a place in NE Connecticut to get a dxa scan. Question: I had both hips replaced. Will my metal hips throw off the results?

(Michelle) #26

hi - most likely no, but you should ask the technician before you go.

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #27

As in “I’ll just hoover that up with my Dyson…”. :wink:

(Carol O'Carroll) #28

I hope you did it? I wish I had now as it would have been valuable for comparison. My bone density is really good, but is it due to genetics or the diet? I won’t know now as I didn’t do the before scan :worried:

(Zack F) #29

Congratulations Carol! May I ask if you’ve been strength straining the past year. BMI is wretchedly vague gauge on the healthiness dashboard IMHO. Muscularity pushes up your BMI. Michael Jordan in his prime was “overweight” due to his BMI.

(Carol O'Carroll) #30

Hi Zack,
short answer is no. That’s the thing… possible explanations are I tend to prefer a bit more protein than is ideal for ketogenic. Plus, I have always muscled up easily/been strong (good farming stock) in the past. Exercise variation has been minimal, even in the cardio area. I had muscle before I know, just not sure how much. I did do 2 years of weight lifting about 12 years ago, but that is all.
Really wish I’d done the before Dexa…

(Omar Newsome) #31

Congrats on your NSV! I had a dexa about a year ago and hope to get another after about 6 months keto.

(Michelle) #32

Yes, I hope to have another one soon too… I had one about 3 years ago. It is so informative.

Remember though, it is radiation. Radiation through your brain (not good stuff). So, I wouldn’t just do them for fun. Space them out appropriately when you have big milestones.

(G. Andrew Duthie) #33

Thank you for bringing that up…comes to mind whenever I see DEXA scans discussed. Obviously, there are benefits to the scan, just as there can be benefits to x-rays, CT scans, etc., but it’s important to weigh those benefits against the risks associated with ionizing radiation.

And sadly, medical professionals tend to discount those risks as a rule.

(Jo Lo) #34

I think that what they are really saying is “We won’t be responsible for damages, if there are any”.
Same thing from dental x-rays and various iffy treatments including fluoride.

(Carol O'Carroll) #35

Turns out I have a genetic predisposition to build muscle. :clap:t2: