Dry skin on keto

(shawn) #1

Hi, I’ve been keto since late April, I’ve lost about 35 lbs (so not too fast), energy is great, mood is awesome, no hair loss or obvious dryness, electrolytes are now balanced ( no more leg cramps.) My only issue is extremely dry skin everywhere. I live in Arizona, but I’ve never experienced this to such an extent. I am 50, so maybe menopause except I have no other symptoms. I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue and has successfully dealt with it. < 20 grams carbs lots of fat and about 60 grams protein. I drink bone broth, and am constantly using moisturizer.

(Larry Lustig) #2

I generally have some dry skin issues in winter but my impression is that it’s worse this year (my first on keto) than years past. Not bad enough I’ve tried to treat it.


My skin is hella dry right now! Especially my hands where some of my skin just cracked. :frowning: My legs and back and elbows are all kind of itchy from dry skin. Not sure if it’s keto related or just aging.

I’m pretty bad about drinking water, but I think that is supposed to help. I know some folks use humidifiers in the winter. This happens to me every year, but I do feel like it’s worse this year.

(Lari Tuomisto) #4

Mine has gotten worse every winter since it started like 5 years ago. No difference on keto. Buy a humidifier and some really good moisturisers and slather (made me think of butter…) that stuff on ya before sleeping. Works wonders.

(Guardian of the bacon) #5

I’ve heard coconut oil is a fantastic skin moisturizer, I’d probably go for the more processed version that doesn’t smell/taste like coconut. We could bring @BaconNectar into the conversation, I’d wager that he’s moisturized with bacon nectar.

(shawn) #6

I’ve been moisturizing like crazy and drink tons of water. I may try the humidifier again. Thank you! Trying to treat this before I start looking older! lol

(shawn) #7

I keep a big tub in the bathroom for after every shower. And then I follow thatvwith shea butter once I’m dried off a bit.

(Scott Shillady) #8

The refined coconut oil is oderless and tasteless. I would never use bacon nectar as a moisturizer. That divine creation of God is enjoyed by my taste buds too much

(Zbigniew Kosior) #9

It might be vitamin A deficiency.

(shawn) #10

lol! My dogs wouldn’t let it stay on my skin! :-pr

(shawn) #11

Hmmm. That’s interesting. I’ll have to look into that. I’m thinking it would have to be more of an internal nutrition or hormonal issue. I’ve lived in AZ for over 20 years and have the lotions and water drinking covered.

(Kerri Hines) #12

My dad who isn’t low carb at all has Agent Orange and gets terrible dry skin and rashes. He also always has low sodium and blood pressure so I know dehydration is a factor in his irritation.
I started him on 2000mg a day sodium tablets in addition to his normal sodium use and 600mg magnesium and within 24 hours his skin was considerably better. He’s not even low carb with the extra sodium needs. So I suspect you actually still need more sodium or probably magnesium really, than you think.
Is petrolatum an ingredient in your moisturizer?
Try coconut oil instead.

(Sondra Rose) #13

I am also in AZ and no problems, though it may be partly genetic. I have been Keto for the last 5 years. 53 and going through menopause.

Soap or lotion sensitivity?
Food sensitivity?
Enough organ meats/seafood for vitamins A, K and zinc?

(Mark Myers) #14

I had dry itchy patches showing up, I went to the doctor and dermatologist trying to fix it. I thought I had an egg allergy, but fortunately that wasn’t it. I found I had Keto rash. I found this website that helped me. http://theketorash.com/ You might need more salt if you are eating natural foods and you don’t have a rash as I did. Natural oils and fats should actually help your skin after all is said and done, but that is pure speculation on my part.

(AnnaLeeThal) #15

See my beef tallow body butter post in recipes! Best lotion I have ever used.

(shawn) #16

I have been wondering if dehydration on keto is a factor. I had bad leg cramps until I got my magnesium sodium and potassium supplements high enough to prevent them. My BP is good. It used to be high. But I’ve increased electrolytes and water and salted bone broth so much, that it seems crazy to add more.
I use virgin coconut oil after I shower, and 100% shea butter (which has the consistency of petroleum jelly) when I’m dry and need extra. Even on my face.

(shawn) #17

Thanks! I’ll check it out! Will my dogs leave it on me?! LOL


Couldn’t say if related to diet but I always get drier starting in late fall and all through winter here in Upstate NY. I used to use coconut oil, but a few years ago switched to Sweet Almond Oil. I use it all over my body and on my face. Been great for my hands too. I gave up all moisturizers with chemicals which I thought were only exasperating the dryness. Also was concerned about what they were doing to my hormones (estrogen, etc.) as everything is absorbed through the skin. I love the SAO as it is not as greasy feeling as the coconut oil and absorbs very well. Also a lot cheaper. And I think I read it has a natural antibacterial and sun protection, but don’t quote me. (I do use it in lieu of sunscreen and don’t burn, so that’s my n=1 for protection I guess.)

(AnnaLeeThal) #19

It’s possible you will be licked to death.

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #20

Disclaimer: I can’t back this with controlled trials or anything like that, and there is a faction that considers this dangerous.

One year, a couple years into ZC, my skin went dry. On an educated hunch after browsing around and reading various things, I started supplementing iodine, using several drops a day of Lugol’s in water. The dryness went away very soon after and never came back. I discontinued the iodine after a couple months.

I suspect that a lot of our food supply is iodine depleted, particularly out here in the Midwest.